MARYLAND, begun and held at the CITY of
ANNAPOLIS, on Monday, the 3d of November,
in the year of our Lord 1806, and ended the 5th
day of January, 1807, the following Laws, were
An ACT to settle and ascertain the salary of the members of the
council for the ensuing yean
Passed 31st of
Dec. 1806.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That each member of the council shall be
entitled to receive the sum of two hundred pounds current money for his salary. -
Salary ascer-
An ACT authorising a lottery for raising a sum of money for the
use and benefit of the Charitable Marine Society of the city of
Passed 31st of
Dec. 1806.
WHEREAS application hath been made to this general assembly, by the president and mana-
gers of the Charitable Marine Society of Baltimore, to raise a sum of money by lottery, the
better to enable them to carry into effect the benevolent purpose of their institution, and their
prayer appearing reasonable, together with a manifest disposition prevalent in this house to aid, by
legislative acts, institutions so well calculated as theirs to mitigate the distresses of the widows and
fatherless; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That William Matthews, Thorndick
Chase, Tobias E. Stansbury, John Snyder, Timothy Gardner, Thomas Rogers, Daniel Howland,
John Ogsden, Thomas Tennent, Thomas Sprigg and Peter Gold, or a majority of them, be and
they are hereby authorised to propose a scheme of a lottery, and to sell and dispose of the tickets,
as well in the city of Baltimore as in any other part of the state, clear of the city taxes, any law to
the contrary notwithstanding, for raising a sum of money, not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars,
for the use and benefit of the Charitable Marine Society of Baltimore,
Scheme may
be proposed,
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That before the said William Matthews, Thorndick Chase, Tobias
E. Stansbury, John Snyder, Timothy Gardner, Thomas Rogers, Daniel Howland, John Ogsden,
Thomas Tennent, Thomas Sprigg and Peter Gold, proceed to make sale of any ticket or tickets in
the said lottery, they shall give bond to the state of Maryland, in the penalty of thirty thousand
dollars, conditioned that they will well and truly conduct the drawing of said lottery, and apply the
money arising therefrom, within six months after the drawing thereof, to the payment of the prizes
drawn therein to the adventurers to whom they shall be due, and the necessary expences incurred
in the management thereof, and the residue thereof to the only, and proper use of the Charitable
Marine Society of Baltimore.
Bond to be
given, &c.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said bond shall be lodged in the office of the clerk of Balti-
more county, to be there recorded, and upon such bond, or any office copy thereof, suit or suits may
be instituted for any breach Or non-compliance with the conditions thereof.
To be lodged
in the office,