upon the notification of the register of the city, whose duty it shall be to make such notification,
and the members of the said first and second branches of the city council, when so convened, shall
proceed, by their joint ballot, to fill up the said vacancy for the remainder of the year.
VIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the voters in the several wards of the said city having the re-
quisite qualification to vote for delegates to the general assembly, shall, on the first Monday in Oc-
tober, eighteen hundred and seven, and on the first Monday in October in every year thereafter, as-
semble at the usual place of holding the elections in their respective. wards, and shall elect, by ballot,
two members to represent the said ward in the first branch of the city council, and the persons so
elected shall be residents of the ward for which they are elected, and shall be proprietors of lease-
hold or freehold property in the said city to the value of five hundred pounds current money.
IX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the voters in the several wards of the said city, qualified as
aforesaid, shall, on the first Monday in October, eighteen hundred and seven, and on the first Mon-
day in October m every second year thereafter, assemble at the usual place of holding the elections
in their respective wards, and shall elect, by ballot, one member to represent the said ward in the
second branch of the city council, and the person so elected shall be a resident of the ward for which
he is elected, and shall be a proprietor of leasehold or freehold property in the said city to the value
of five hundred pounds current money.
X. AND BE IT ENACTED, That in all cases the names of persons voted for, and the offices to
which they are respectively elected, shall be designated in each ballot, and the judges of the said
elections shall conduct the same in the manner and form prescribed by the act to regulate elections,
passed at the present session, shall make their return accordingly, and deposite the same, with their
polls, in the office of the register of the city, and it shall be the duty of the said register to notify
the persons so elected, and in case of vacancy or vacancies in either branch of the city council, the
same shall be supplied by election in the same manner as vacancies in the first branch are directed
to be supplied by the original act.
XI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That no person shall be eligible to the office of mayor or register, or
as a member, or as a clerk of either branch of the city council, who holds an office of profit or trust
hinder the government of the United States, the state of Maryland, or the corporation of the city
of Baltimore.
XII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the first and second branch of the city council shall, in the first
week of their annual session, by their joint ballot, recommend two persons to each office now ex-
isting, or which may arise under any ordinance of the said corporation, and the mayor shall appoint
and commission one of the persons so recommended to fill the respective offices during one year, and
may also fill up all vacancies which shall happen in any office during the recess of the city council.
XIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That so much of the said original act, or any supplement thereto,
as are inconsistent with, or contrary to, the provisions of this act, be and the same are hereby re-
pealed; provided nevertheless, that the changes and alterations ordained and established by this act,
in addition to those prayed by the corporation, shall be assented to at the time and in the manner
thereinafter mentioned,
XIV. PROVIDED ALWAYS, AND HE IT ENACTED, That the several amendments and alterations
established by this act, in addition to those prayed by the corporation, shall have no effect or opera-
tion unless the same shall be assented to by a majority of. all the members of the first branch of the
city council, after a new election of members, in the first session after such new election, but in
case the members of the first branch of the city council, or a majority of them, should determine to
adopt a part of the said amendment and reject the remainder, then it shall and may be lawful for
them so to do, and the amendments so assented to shall be valid and obligatory to all intents and
purposes as a part of the charter of the city of Baltimore.
C H A P.