by this act, according to the best of their skill and judgment, and without favour, partiality or pre-
judice; and the duties of the said bailiffs shall be, to attend the said commissioners at their several
meetings, to perform such services, for more effectually accomplishing the objects of this act, as the
said commissioners shall direct, to prevent the tumultuous and irregular meetings of slaves and ne-
groes within the limits of the said town, or if so assembled, to disperse them by reasonable and law.
ful means, and to punish, by moderate correction, under such rules and regulations as shall be pre-
scribed by the said commissioners, all such negroes or slaves as shall be found wandering or strolling
about the streets in the night-time, and generally to exercise all the powers of, and act as, a consta-
ble within the said town.
XI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners shall have full power and authority to
have public pumps erected in such parts of the said town as they shall deem necessary, and to em-
ploy a person or persons to keep the same in good repair, and to alter or change the place or situati-
on of any of said pumps when they shall determine the same to be for the benefit and advantage of
the said town, to provide for licensing and regulating the sweeping of chimnies, and fixing the rates
thereof, in the said town, and to establish and regulate fire wards and fire companies, and to appoint
fit and proper persons to keep the streets, lanes, alleys and public grounds, in good order and
XII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners shall cause all stakes now standing in
Chester river, from Skulking point to the mouth of Morgan's creek, to be drawn up and taken out
of said river, and if any person or persons shall hereafter fix, or set with stakes or poles, any gill,
net or seine, in Chester river as aforesaid, and shall omit or neglect to draw up, or have the same
drawn up and taken out of the said river, on or before the twentieth day of June thereafter, he or
they shall forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding two dollars for every such offence, to be recovered by
presentment or indictment in Kent or Queen-Anne's county court, in which of said counties the par-
ty may reside.
XIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the money annually levied by the levy court of Kent county
for the purpose of repairing and keeping in repair the streets, lanes and alleys, in said town, shall
be paid to the commissioners of said town, or to their order, by the collector of Kent county, and
shall be expended by the said commissioners in repairing and keeping the said streets, lanes and al-
leys, in said town, in repair, and the said levy court shall, at the time of laying their next levy for
Kent county, levy on the assessable property of said county a sum, not exceeding one hundred and
fifty dollars, which said sura, when collected, shall be paid to the said commissioners, or to their
order, and by them laid out in the purchase of hay-scales and weights, and having the same creeled
and fixed up on the public ground near the market-house in said town, and in the purchase of ten
fire buckets, to be deposited in the court-house; and the said commissioners shall appoint a fit and
proper person weigher of said town, whose duty it shall be at all times to attend to and take care of
said scales and weights, and to weigh all hay, corn, fodder, or other article of provender, brought
into the said town for sale, and to give a certificate or certificates of the weight thereof, under the
penalty of five dollars, and any person selling, or offering for sale, by himself, servant or slave, any
of the said articles in the said town, without such certificate, shall forfeit and pay a sum not ex-
ceeding sixty-seven cents for every such offence; and the collector's bond of Kent county shall be
liable for, and may be sued for, the recovery of any money levied under and in virtue of this act;
and the commissioners of Chester-town shall allow to the said weigher such compensation as they
shall think reasonable.
XIV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners of said town shall have full power and au-
thority, and they are hereby authorised and empowered, to appoint, and at their pleasure dismiss,
a wood corder or wood corders of said town, to regulate the cording of wood therein, to ascertain
and fix the prices for cording the same, and to make such by-laws and regulations upon the subject
as they shall think right and proper,
XV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the owner or owners of every house in Chester-town, or its
precincts, of the description herein after mentioned, shall furnish the same with a good jack lea-
thern bucket or buckets, having the initials of the owner's name marked thereon with oil colours,
according to the valuation of houses, as shall be fixed by the assessment to be made in virtue of this
act that is to say, all houses, the valuation of which shall be seventy-five pounds, and not exceed-
ing one hundred and fifty pounds, shall be furnished with, one bucket, all houses, the valuation of
which shall be above one hundred and fifty pounds, and not exceeding three hundred pounds, shall
be furnished with two buckets, all above three hundred pounds, and not exceeding five hundred