cute a deed or deeds for conveying the same, as the case may require; provided, that before any
and shall be executed by the trustees aforesaid for the cleared land hereby authorised to be ex-
changed, a deed or deeds, conveying the land which they may receive in exchange, shall be exe-
cuted, conveying the same to them, as trustees of the poor of Prince-George's county, and their
ancessors, for ever, which deeds, when so executed, and recorded among the land records of Prince
George's county, shall have the effect to convey the lands therein mentioned, according to the true
intent and meaning thereof.
C H A P: LX.
C H A P.
Supplement to an act, entitled, An act for the establishment of a
new public road in Somerset county, passed, at November session
seventeen hundred and ninety-eight.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, that a number of the inhabitants of So-
merset county experience considerable inconvenience from the want of said road, mentioned
and described in the original act, and have it not in their power, without some public assistance, to
defray the costs and charges, of the same; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General. Assembly of Maryland, That the levy court of said county are
hereby empowered to assess and levy on said county, if they shall think fit, and it shall appear to
them that the said road, when opened, will be of public utility, a sum of money, not exceeding fifty
dollars, and cause the same to be paid to the commissioners named in the original act to which this
a supplement, to be applied by them to the payment. of the expences of said road.
Passed 25th of
January, 1806.
An ACT to extend the powers of the trustees of the poor of Mont-
gomery county.
WHERE AS John Randle, Ally Campbell and Rebecca Dennis, of Montgomery county, by
their petitions to this general assembly have set forth, that by reason of many bodily infir-
mities and various other causes therein set forth, they are unable to obtain a livelihood by labour,
and praying to be supported out of the poor-house of said county as out-pensioners; and the prayer
of the said petitioners appearing reasonable, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland) That it shall and may be lawful for the
trustees of the poor of Montgomery county, if they shall be of opinion that the peculiar circum-
ances of the said John Randle, Ally Campbell and Rebecca Dennis, are such as to render a situa-
tion in the poor-house particularly unsuitable for them, to support them as out-pensioners, in addi-
tion to the number now allowed by the act, entitled, An act to enlarge the powers of the trustees of
the poor in the several counties therein designated, and to allow to the said John Randle, Ally
Campbell and Rebecca Dennis, not exceeding thirty dollars each, to be paid at such time as the said
trustees shall direct, the amount, of which said pensions shall be levied in the same manner as the
ber expences of the poor-house in the said. county; provided, that the application of the said John
Randle, Ally Campbell and Rebecca Dennis, to be supported as out-pensioners as aforesaid, shall be
recommended by, the levy court. of said county.
Passed 25th of
January, 1806.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to straighten part of the
road in Harford county which leads from Underhill's mill to the
city of Baltimore.
WHEREAS sundry inhabitants of Harford county, by their petition have represented to this
general assembly, that the commissioners appointed under the original act to which this is a
supplement, in taking a view of ground over which the road in the said original act mentioned was
contemplated to pass, that it would be more advantageously laid out, to intersect at the Rock Ford,
on the Little Falls, instead of intersecting at Hanway's mill, as provided in the said original act,
and praying that an act may. pass appointing commissioners to make the alterations aforesaid on said
road, beginning near a place called and known by the name of The Sandy Bottom, on the road lead-
ing from Coop's-town to Hanway's mill, and to streighten and amend the said road until they inter-
sect the Rock Ford, on the Little Falls, with power to assess the damages; and the same being con-
sidered reasonable, therefore,
Passed 25th of
January, 1806.