of Baltimore City (1949 Edition), title "Baltimore City, "
sub-title "People's Court, " amending generally the laws
concerning the People's Court of Baltimore City and
relating to the salary of Judges of said Court, the days
on which such Court is in session, the fees chargeable by
said Court and the powers of the People's Court of Balti-
more City.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sections 436, 443, and 444 of the Charter
and Public Local Laws of Baltimore City (1949 Edition),
title "Baltimore City, " sub-title "People's Court, " be and
they are hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments,
to read as follows:
436. [The Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City
shall have the power to provide in the Ordinance of Esti-
mates each year the salaries to be paid to the Judges of
the People's Court of said City. ] The Board of Estimates
is hereby authorized and empowered to fix the salaries of
Judges of the People's Court, in amounts not less than those
existing as of June 1, 1953. Each of said Judges shall de-
vote to his duties as Judge a regular session [, from 9: 30
A. M. until 4 P. M. ] on every day except Saturdays, Sun-
days and legal holidays [ and Saturday afternoons after
12: 30 P. M. ], and such other sessions at such times as the
Chief Judge deems necessary or advisable, during such
eleven months in each year as the Chief Judge shall assign.
No Judge of the People's Court shall engage in the practice
of law while holding the position of Judge. The Chief
Judge shall make such assignments in such manner as to
provide such regular sessions for the transaction of busi-
ness, and such other sessions as he shall prescribe, through-
out the entire year. The Chief Judge of said Court may
direct that the Chief Constable's office shall be closed on
Saturdays, so that the Clerk's office may be closed on Sat-
urdays. All such sessions shall be held at such place as the
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City shall provide.
443. (a). The Judges of the People's Court shall have
power and authority to enforce obedience to their orders
and judgments by attachments, and to inflict punishment
for contempt of court by a fine not exceeding in any one
case the sum of [Fifty Dollars ($50. 00)] One Hundred
Dollars ($100. 00); all of which fines shall be paid to the
Chief Constable of the People's Court to be by him paid
over to the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and im-
prisonment in default of payment of such fine shall be im-
posed to the same extent as in the case of other fines;