WHEREAS, There have been recent suggestions by civic
leaders in Baltimore County that there is need for an in-
dependent commission to study the organization, operation
and workings of the present system of county government
in Baltimore County; and
WHEREAS, Within the past three decades, Baltimore
County has increased five fold in population and has
changed completely from a rural suburban county to a
highly industrial urban and metropolitan community; and
WHEREAS, The members of the Baltimore County Dele-
gation in the General Assembly feel that the great changes
in the character of the county and in the problems of its
government warrant a study of the organization and oper-
ations of the County, in search for possible improvements;
WHEREAS, It is the further sense of the County Delega-
tion in the General Assembly that such changes should not
be made arbitrarily or without complete study and investi-
gation; and
WHEREAS, The work of this commission would not, in
any way, be in conflict with that of the present Hammond
Commission, it being the function of the Hammond Com-
mission to study the efficiency and effectiveness of the
present operations of the government, while the commis-
sion proposed by this Joint Resolution would confine its
work to more basic considerations of structure and political
organization; therefore be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That this
body recommend the creation of a special commission to
study and investigate the workings and operation of the
county government of Baltimore County; and be it further
Resolved, That this Commission be composed of a total
of nine persons, three to be named by the Board of County
Commissioners of Baltimore County, one of whom shall be
designated as Chairman, three to be named by the State
Senator and the six members of the House of Delegates
from Baltimore County, and three to be named by the
County Commissioners, the State Senator, and the six mem-
bers of the House of Delegates, jointly, with at least three
of the nine members being representatives of that political
party which, at the most recent Gubernatorial election,
polled the highest number of votes cast throughout the
entire State; and be it further