are at the time legally qualified to vote for State and county
officers, shall possess all the qualifications of electors of
said Town with all the privileges such citizenship implies.
38D. The qualified voters of said Town shall arrange by
convention or otherwise to hold an election in an ordinary
and fair manner within the Town limits on the first Mon-
day in May, 1953, between the hours of 1 o'clock and 5
o'clock P. M. of that day and elect by ballot three persons
of integrity and sound judgment from among their num-
ber, without regard to partisan politics, to serve as Com-
missioners of said Town for one year from that date, and
until their successors shall have been elected and qualified;
provided, however, that should any unforeseen circum-
stances prevent compliance with the foregoing specific pro-
visions of this section on the first Monday in May, 1953,
said voters may comply with the same at any time within
one year and one day from said date.
38E. If any vacancy shall occur in the office of Commis-
sioner, the remaining Commissioner or Commissioners, at
the next regular meeting within ninety days, shall elect a
suitable person as Commissioner to serve until the next
election. Such person shall subscribe to the oath which shall
be recorded as provided in Section 9 38-I, and if at any
time it shall occur that there is no Commissioner of Brook-
view in office, such vacancy shall be filled in the same
manner as provided in the first election under this Charter
and such special election may be held at any time after the
corporation ceases to have any Commissioner and the Com-
missioners so elected shall hold office until the time for a
regular election arrives and until their successors are
elected and qualified.
88F. As soon as elected the Commissioners shall proceed
to organize by electing one of their number President and
shall appoint a capable person as clerk, whose duty it shall
be to keep a correct record of all their official proceedings.
Said clerk shall also act as treasurer of said Town and shall
give to the Commissioners, subject to their approval, a
bond with sufficient security and penalties for the faithful
performance of his duties as treasurer.
38G. The Commissioners shall meet at least once every
three months and shall have full power to make and enforce
all such by-laws, rules and ordinances not in conflict with
the laws of this State, as may be required for the pros-
perity of said Town, for the comfort, health and conveni-