nor shall it be used by the owner in any business other than
his farm operations as defined herein.
Any farmer applying for a farm truck license shall make
affidavit as to his status and as to the proposed use of such
motor vehicle, in such form as may be required by the De-
partment. Procurement of a farm truck license through
misrepresentation, false pretenses or fraud shall be a mis-
demeanor and upon conviction any person guilty thereof
shall be subject to a fine of $50. The use of a farm truck
in a manner other than as provided in this sub-section shall
be a misdemeanor and upon conviction any person guilty
thereof shall be subject to a fine of $10. 00. Upon the
second or any subsequent conviction against any farmer
for either illegal procurement of a farm truck license or
illegal use of a farm truck, the Department shall revoke
the registration and the right of re-registration of such
vehicle as a farm truck, for a period of one year thereafter,
in addition to the fine imposed; such revocation shall be
The privilege of registering as a farm truck shall be
available only to Class E motor vehicles with a chassis
weight of more than ¾ ton and not exceeding 5, 000 pounds,
as enumerated hereinabove. Except as particularly pro-
vided otherwise, the provisions of law as to Class E, Pneu-
matic Tire motor vehicles in general shall apply also to
Class E, Pneumatic Tire farm trucks.
(Class F. Pneumatic Tires. ) (a) Truck-tractors, trac-
tors, or traction engines, or any other similar motor ve-
hicles used for propelling, supporting or drawing a trailer
or semi-trailer shall pay a registration fee of [$65. 003
$95. 00.
(b) Upon receipt of an application in proper form for
the registration of semi-trailers operated under the shuttle
or relay system, it shall be the duty of the Department,
after due investigation, to issue additional registration
plates not exceeding one additional for each truck-tractor
registered by the owner and the fee for such additional
trailer shall be one-half the regular registration fee.
(c) This charge shall not apply to farm tractors being
operated by farmers in connection with their farming oper-
ations when traveling upon the public highways or streets
of this State, on which shall be imposed in lieu thereof a
flat fee of [$4. 00] $6. 00. No charge shall be made for farm
tractors where such tractor is being used in hauling farm