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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 1260   View pdf image (33K)
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300P. The Circuit Court for Carroll County may, upon
the presentation of the above named petition, allow a
writ of certiorari directed to the Board of Zoning Appeals,
to which shall specify the basis of the decision appealed
from and be accompanied by certified copies of any papers
pertinent thereto, the said return being made by the Board
within ten (10) days of the issuance of the above named
writ, unless a time extension is allowed by the Court.
However, the issuance of the above named writ shall not
stay proceedings to implement the decision appealed from.
Or the Circuit Court for Carroll County may, upon the
presentation of the above named petition, grant a restrain-
ing order upon specific application therefor and following
due notice of such an order to the Board of Zoning
Appeals and providing that due cause has been shown for
the granting of such an order.

300Q. The Circuit Court for Carroll County is empow-
ered to affirm or reverse, in part or in toto, any appealed
decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals and to remand
any case for further proceedings or the entering of a
proper order and further, to give preference to such pro-
ceedings over all other civil actions.

300R. An appeal may be taken to the Court of Appeals
of Maryland from any decision of the Circuit Court for
Carroll County reviewing a decision of the Board of
Zoning Appeals. In such cases the Court of Appeals shall
not award costs of the appeal against any party to the
appeal except the appellant.

SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
not take effect until it shall be submitted to the registered
voters of Carroll County for adoption or rejection at the
next General Election to be held in November, 1954.
There shall be printed on the ballots to be used at said
election the title of this Act and underneath said title on
separate lines a square or box to the right of and opposite
the words "For Zoning Act", and a corresponding square
or box to the right of and opposite the words "Against
Zoning Act", so that the voters shall be able to designate
by a cross-mark in the proper square or box their decision
for or against said question. If a majority of the votes
cast on said question shall be "For Zoning Act", then this
Act shall become effective immediately but if a majority
of the votes cast thereon shall be "Against Zoning Act",
then this Act shall be null and void and of no effect


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Session Laws, 1953
Volume 606, Page 1260   View pdf image (33K)
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