immediately after Section 91 thereof, and all to read as
91. (e) A parole is a conditional release from impris-
onment, granted by the [Governor] Board of Parole and
Probation to any of certain classes [or] prisoners in
any adult penal or correctional institution of this State, in
the manner provided for in this sub-title. A parole shall
be evidenced by an order in writing, and entitles the
recipient thereof to leave the institution in which he was
imprisoned, and to serve the remainder of his term outside
the confines thereof if he shall satisfactorily comply with
all the terms and conditions provided in the parole order.
Each such paroled prisoner shall be deemed to remain in
legal custody until the expiration of his full, undiminished
term; and upon having violated the conditions of his
parole, shall be remanded to the institution from which
he was paroled.
91A. There is hereby created a Department of Parole
and Probation, the head of which shall be the Board of
Parole and Probation as hereinafter constituted. The
Chairman of such Board shall be the Director of Parole
and Probation. The Director shall have the authority to
assign to the associate members of the Board such admin-
istrative and other duties as he may, from time to time,
deem appropriate.
91B. A Board of Parole and Probation, hereinafter
referred to as the "Board" is hereby established. It shall
be composed of a Chairman and two associates, all of whom
shall be residents of the State, appointed by the Governor
with the advice and consent of the Senate without regard
to political affiliations for terms of six years, except that
of the members initially appointed under the provisions of
this Act, the Chairman shall be appointed for a term of six
years and the associate members for terms of four years
and two years, respectively. The Governor may remove
any member of the Board for disability, neglect of duty,
malfeasance in office or misconduct, giving any such mem-
ber a copy of the charges preferred and the opportunity
of being first publicly heard in person or by council. If
such member shall be removed, the Governor shall file in
the Office of the Secretary of State a complete statement of
all charges made against such member, and his findings
thereof, together with a complete record of the proceed-
ings. A vacancy on the Board shall be filled by the Gover-
nor for the unexpired portion of the term of the vacant
office. The Chairman of the Board shall receive an annual