Three Thousand Six Hundred Dollars ($3, 600) per year
for the eighth year of teaching and pupil personnel service;
Three Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($3, 700) per year
for the ninth year of teaching and pupil personnel service;
Three Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($3, 800) per year
for the tenth year of teaching and pupil personnel service;
Three Thousand Nine Hundred Dollars ($3, 900) per year
for the eleventh year of teaching and pupil personnel
service; Four Thousand Dollars ($4, 000) per year for the
twelfth year of teaching and pupil personnel service; Four
Thousand One Hundred Dollars ($4, 100) per year for the
thirteenth year of teaching and pupil personnel service;
Four Thousand Two Hundred Dollars ($4, 200) per year
for the fourteenth year of teaching and pupil personnel
service; Four Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($4, 300)
per year for the fifteenth year of teaching and pupil per-
sonnel service; Four Thousand Four Hundred Dollars
($4, 400) per year for the sixteenth year of teaching and
pupil personnel service; Four Thousand Five Hundred
Dollars ($4, 500) per year for the seventeenth and each
succeeding year of service thereafter, provided that super-
visors of pupil personnel I with twelve years or less teach-
ing and pupil personnel experience prior to September 1,
1947 shall receive the salary in the new schedule cor-
responding with their years of experience, and supervisors
of pupil personnel I having more than twelve years'
experience prior to September 1, 1947 shall be placed on
the new schedule corresponding with the twelfth year of
experience; each subsequent year thereafter they shall
receive one increment on the salary schedule. ]
[(f) A supervisor of pupil personnel I, having com-
pleted at least one year of graduate work meeting the
requirement for the supervisor of pupil personnel I certifi-
cate shall receive $200 per year more than the foregoing
schedule for a supervising teacher holding a Bachelor's
degree requires. ]
[(g) A supervisor of pupil personnel II shall receive
$600 less than a supervisor of pupil personnel I holding a
Bachelor's degree. ]
[(h) No visiting teacher holding a degree shall receive
a salary less than $2, 500 per school year for the fourth
year of service; $2, 600 per school year for the fifth year
of service; $2, 700 per school year for the sixth year of
service; $2, 800 per school year for the seventh year of
service; $2, 900 per school year for the eighth year of
service; $3, 000 per school year for the ninth year of
service; $3, 100 per school year for the tenth year of