(b) In each county employing fewer than thirty (30)
teachers in the white schools there shall be appointed one
part-time supervising or helping teacher; in each county
employing thirty (30) and fewer than eighty (80) teachers
in the white schools, there shall be appointed one super-
vising teacher or helping teacher; in each county employ-
ing eighty (80) but fewer than one hundred twenty (120)
teachers in white schools, there shall be appointed two
supervising teachers or helping teachers; in each county
employing one hundred twenty (120) but not more than
one hundred sixty (160) teachers in the white schools,
there shall be appointed three supervising teachers or
helping teachers; in each county employing more than one
hundred sixty (160) teachers in the white schools, there
shall be appointed one supervising teacher or helping
teacher for each additional fifty (50) teachers or major
fraction thereof in the white schools; and these supervising
teachers or helping teachers shall receive such compensa-
tion as the county board of education shall direct; provided
that no person shall be eligible for appointment as super-
vising teacher or helping teacher who does not hold from
the State Superintendent of Schools a certificate in super-
vision as provided for in Section 97 of this Article; nor
shall the appointment of any person by a county board of
education as supervising teacher or helping teacher be
valid without the written approval of the State Super-
intendent of Schools. In each county employing more than
ten (10) and fewer than thirty (30) colored teachers
there shall be appointed at least one part-time supervising
or helping teacher; in each county employing thirty (30)
and fewer than eighty (80) colored teachers there shall be
employed one full-time colored supervising or helping
teacher; in each county employing eighty (80) colored
teachers there shall be employed two colored supervising
or helping teachers; provided that no person shall be
eligible for appointment as supervising teacher or helping
teacher who does not hold from the State Superintendent
of Schools a certificate in supervision as provided for in
Chapter 8, Section 97 of this Article; nor shall the appoint-
ment of any person by a county board of education as
supervising teacher or helping teacher be valid without the
written approval of the State Superintendent of Schools.
[And provided, further, that no full-time supervising
teacher, appointed under the provisions of this section or
continued in office under the provisions of this section,
holding a Bachelor's Degree; shall be paid an annual salary
of less than Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars