The Comptroller shall immediately, upon the sale of and
payment for said certificates, first, return to and credit the
Treasury for a sum equivalent to the amount expended as
provided for in Section 5 of this Act; the remainder of the
proceeds of said loan shall be credited on the books of the
State Treasury Department, to be expended as needed by
the State, upon approval by the Board of Public Works,
viz. Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) ONE MILLION
DOLLARS ($1,000,000) of the proceeds thereof to be
used for the purpose of supplementing the funds here-
tofore provided for the acquisition of a site and erect-
ing and equipping a new State Office Building or buildings
in Baltimore City, and One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) of
the proceeds thereof to be used for the purpose of assisting
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore in defraying the
costs of redevelopment of the area in which any site pur-
chased for such building may be located.
SEC. 7. And be it further enacted, That until all of the
interest on and principal of any certificates issued under
this Act have been paid in full, there is hereby levied and
imposed an annual State tax on each $100 of assessable
property at the rate to be determined in the following man-
ner : on or before December 1, 1954, and on or before De-
cember 1 in each calendar year thereafter, the Board of
Public Works shall certify to the governing bodies of each
of the Counties and Baltimore City the rate of State tax
on each $100 of assessable property necessary to produce
revenue to meet all interest and principal which will be
payable to the close of the next ensuing calendar year on
all certificates theretofore issued or theretofore authorized
by resolution of the Board of Public Works to be issued,
and the governing bodies of each of the Counties and Balti-
more City shall forthwith levy and collect such tax at such
All matters committed by this Act to the discretion of
the Board of Public Works shall be determined by a
majority of said Board.
SEC. 8. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1,1954.
Approved March 12,1954.