WHEREAS, the Attorney General of Maryland has recom-
mended that in order to end all doubts as to the status and
force of the said Chapters 717 and 799 of 1945, they should
be formally repealed and the provisions thereof re-enacted;
now therefore
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sections 211 to 234, inclusive, of Article 33 of the
Annotated Code of Maryland (1947 Supplement), title "Elec-
tions", sub-title "Voting by Mail in Municipal Elections in
Baltimore City"; and that Sections 235 to 251, inclusive, of
said Article 33, sub-title "Voting by Mail in Municipal General
Elections in Baltimore City", be and the same are hereby
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That twenty-three new
sections be and the same are hereby added to said Article 33,
said new sections to be known as Sections 211 to 233, inclusive,
to follow immediately after Section 210 thereof, to stand in
the place and stead of the sections so repealed, to be under
the new sub-title "Absentee Voting in Municipal Elections in
Baltimore City", and to read as follows:
Absentee Voting in Municipal Elections in Baltimore City
211. The object of this sub-title is to provide that absentee
residents of Baltimore City, as herein defined, at the time of
any municipal primary or general election, as provided for in
Section 57 of this Article and in Section 17 of the Charter and
Public Local Laws of Baltimore City (1949 Edition), shall be
given the right and every possibility to register and vote by
mail in any such municipal primary or general election, to the
fullest extent permitted by the Constitution of this State.
212. For the purposes of this sub-title and unless otherwise
required by the context:
(1) An "Absentee Resident" means a resident of Baltimore
City, (a) qualified to vote under its Constitution as to age,
citizenship and length of residence and not disfranchised be-
cause of crime, and (b) who is absent and engaged in the
military or naval service of the United States as herein defined,
and (c) who, because of such absence, is unable to vote in
person at any election, as herein defined, in the ward or elec-
tion district in Baltimore City in which he was a resident at
the time of his entry or induction into the armed forces of the
United States, or into any of the organizations, work or services
hereinafter set forth; provided that, at the time his ballot is
received, as in this sub-title provided, he is either already
registered as a voter according to the Election Laws of this