information acquired by him during such employment in
respect to any work to which he shall have been assigned by
such employers, except as such disclosure may be required
by the provisions of this sub-title or in connection with any
investigation of a licensee by the superintendent. Any per-
son violating any of the provisions of this section, and any
employee of a licensed private detective business who shall
willfully make a false report or statement to his employer in
respect to any matter or thing connected with his employment
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
82. Filing report of conviction.
The State's Attorney of the county in which any conviction
for a violation of any provisions of this sub-title shall, within
ten days thereafter, make and file with the superintendent
a report showing the date of such conviction, the name of the
person convicted and the nature of the charge.
83. Identification card.
For the purpose of identification of persons engaged in the
conduct of a private detective business, or as a private detec-
tive or investigator, each such person shall carry and show
upon request of a duly authorized and constituted authority
an identification card in such form as the superintendent may
84. Use or display of identification card of another.
No private detective or investigator or employee of a private
detective business who is in possession of any identification
card, as provided for in the preceding section, shall lend it to
another, or allow or permit any other person to use or display
such identification card, and in case of the loss of any such
identification card, shall forthwith notify the superintendent
of such loss and the circumstances surrounding the same.
85. Badge or Shield.
The superintendent, in his discretion, may authorize any
licensee under this sub-title to wear a badge or shield or to
permit any of his, their or its officers, operators or employees
to wear such badge or shield indicating that fact; but every
uniformed guard or watchman shall wear or display an
identifying shield or badge. Without such express authority,
no person licensed under the provisions of this sub-title, or the
officers, directors, employees, operators or agents thereof, shall
wear, carry or accept any badge or shield purporting to indi-
cate that such person is a private detective or investigator or
connected with the private detective business.