least sixty (60) days prior to the date of said election. In the
event that any candidate whose name is printed on any Ab-
sentee Ballot shall die or shall decline to be, or continue as, a
candidate, or if a vacancy occurs from any other cause, the
War Ballot Commission of Baltimore City, provided for in this
sub-title, shall have authority to determine whether to reprint
said Ballots with the name of any new candidate; provided,
however, that said Ballots shall not be reprinted if said new
candidate is not certified to the Board of Supervisors of Elec-
tions at least sixty (60) days prior to the date of such election.
If no new Ballots are printed, as herein provided, the War
Ballot Commission of Baltimore City shall, to the greatest
possible extent, give the Absentee Residents concerned infor-
mation as to the name of any such new candidate, and of the
office for which he seeks to be nominated, and the name of the
candidate in whose place he is nominated. In any such case,
the Absentee Resident desiring to vote for such new candidate
may do so by writing in the name of such candidate in the
blank space to be provided in the Absentee Ballot. Any Ab-
sentee Ballot voted for the person who has ceased to be a candi-
date shall not be counted for any candidate for that office but
such vote shall not invalidate the remainder of such ballot.
219. (a) Upon receipt by the Board at any time prior to the
closing of the polls on election day of an Absentee Ballot En-
velope from an Absentee Resident, said Board shall forthwith
determine whether such Absentee Resident is already regis-
tered as a voter. If such Absentee Resident is registered, his
Absentee Ballot shall be safely kept by the Board and counted
and canvassed at the proper time as in this sub-title provided.
If the Board shall determine that such Absentee is not regis-
tered or if the Board is unable to determine whether such Ab-
sentee Resident is or is not registered, said Board shall accept
the information, set forth in his duly executed oath on the said
Ballot Envelope, as prima facie accurate and correct, and if
such information discloses that said Absentee Resident is fa)
citizen of the United States, (b) will be twenty-one years or
older on the day of the election for which said ballot is offered,
(c) has been a resident of Maryland for a year preceding said
election, (d) has been a resident for six (6) months preceding
the day of said election of the election district or ward in
which his residence in Baltimore City is located, and (e) is not
disqualified to vote by the commission of crime, said Board
shall register such Absentee Resident, and shall then safely
keep said Absentee Ballot and count and canvass the same as
provided in this sub-title.
(b) The signature of such Absentee Resident in subscribing
said oath shall be accepted in lieu of the customary signature