town in the maintenance of said sewerage system in said
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That The Mayor and
City Council of Taneytown be and it is hereby empowered
to construct, establish, design, extend, maintain and oper-
ate a sewage treatment plant, sanitary sewerage system,
including sewer trunk and other tributary lines, force
mains, lateral sewers, intercepting sewers and pumping
station plant within Taneytown and vicinity, and shall
have authority to acquire by gift, purchase, lease, contract
or condemnation, whether within or without the corporate
limits of Taneytown, all lands, either in fee or other estate
or as an easement or any rights therein, improvements,
water courses and water rights, and all machinery, equip-
ment, apparatus and material of every kind necessary
therefor, and in the exercise of these and every of these
powers to enter into and make any and all contracts for
or incident to the building and construction of the public
utility hereby authorized.
Whenever resort shall be had to acquisition by condem-
nation, the proceedings shall be instituted under Article
33A, Title "Eminent Domain" of the Annotated Code of
Maryland, Edition of 1939, and all amendments thereof
and thereto.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the said The
Mayor and City Council of Taneytown shall adopt or cause
to be completed or made surveys, studies, plans, specifica-
tions and estimates for the establishment and construction
of a sewage treatment plant, sanitary sewerage system, in-
cluding sewer trunk lines, lateral and other auxiliary, trib-
utary or connecting lines, force mains, lateral sewers,
intercepting sewers and pumping stations, disposal system
within the corporate limits of Taneytown and beyond such
corporate limits, if and when by ordinance so determined
by said The Mayor and City Council of Taneytown.
Whenever plans shall have been completed for this
project, or any part thereof, and the said The Mayor and
City Council of Taneytown shall have decided to proceed
with the construction thereof, the said The Mayor and
City Council of Taneytown shall advertise by notice in
such newspaper or technical press as it may deem proper
for bids for the construction of said work in part or as a
whole, as in its judgment may appear advisable. The con-
tract shall be let to the lowest responsible bidder or the
said The Mayor and City Council of Taneytown may reject
any and all bids, and if, in their discretion the prices quoted