structing a sanitary sewerage system and sewage treat-
ment and disposal plant, with the power to extend the
system beyond the corporate limits, and the lands, im-
provements, easements and rights necessary therefor
and all expenses incidental thereto; to levy upon all as-
sessable property in the municipality of The Mayor and
City Council of Taneytown and collect taxes thereon in
an amount sufficient to pay the principal and interest of
said bonds; to authorize and provide for the acquisition,
operation and maintenance of said sewerage system
and disposal plant, its accessories or extensions, and the
lands, easements, improvements and rights necessary
therefor and the same to acquire by gift, contract, pur-
chase, lease or condemnation, whether within or without
the corporate limits; and, if by condemnation pursuant
to and under Article 33A, title "Eminent Domain" of
Annotated Code of Maryland, Edition 1939, and all
amendments thereof and thereto; and to make all con-
tracts incident to the construction, operation and main-
tenance of the sewerage system; and to provide funds
for the maintenance, operation, expenses and deprecia-
tion allowance by imposing upon the owners and prop-
erties supplied with sewer service charges to be collected
by the municipality for such service, and to enact ordi-
nances to regulate the necessity, manner and use of the
sewerage system, and to provide and enforce penalties
for breaches thereof. The Act authorizes and enacts
that the bonds and interest shall be exempt for State,
county and municipal taxation of every kind in the
State of Maryland; and that the said The Mayor and
City Council of Taneytown may apply to the payment of
the principal and interest of any bonds issued under
the Act any funds received from the State of Maryland
and the United States of America, any agency or instru-
mentality thereof, or from any other source, for the
purpose of assisting the municipality in obtaining the
sewerage system; and that the bonds shall not be sub-
ject to the provisions of Sections 34, 35 and 36 if Ar-
ticle 31 of the Code of Public General Laws of the State
of Maryland (1939 Edition) and any acts amendatory
thereof or supplementary thereto; and that such bonds
are exempt from the provisions of Section 417 of Ar-
ticle 7 of the Code of Public Local Laws of the State of
Maryland (1930 Edition) and the acts amendatory there-
of or supplementary thereto; and that all Acts incon-
sistent with this Act are repealed or amended to the
extent of such inconsistency; and that in the event the
proceeds from the taxes levied in any year shall be in-