dermen or any of its committees any persons it deems
necessary. Such persons may be compelled to testify on
matters relating to the business of the city or to its officials
and employees.
17. Vacancies in the board of aldermen shall be filled
as provided in Section 71 of this charter.
18. The board of aldermen by ordinance may create,
change, and abolish offices, departments, or agencies, other
than the offices, departments, and agencies established by
this charter. The board of aldermen by ordinance may
assign additional functions or duties to offices, depart-
ments, or agencies established by this charter, but may
not discontinue or assign to any other office, department,
or agency any function or duty assigned by this charter
to a particular office, department, or agency.
19. The board of aldermen shall fix the salaries of all
employees and appointees of the City of Frederick, includ-
ing the salaries of all heads of offices, departments, or
agencies, but not including the salary of the mayor and
the aldermen.
20. When any ordinance is introduced for passage by
by the board of aldermen it shall be read and may be
passed at that time. All ordinances shall be signed by the
mayor as president of the board of aldermen and approved
by him as mayor.
21. All ordinances passed by the board of aldermen
shall be delivered by the board of aldermen at once, or as
soon as conveniently may be, to the mayor for his approval.
The mayor shall return the same to the board of aldermen
at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the board of
aldermen (or sooner if he desires) with his approval or
disapproval. Any ordinance returned by the mayor with-
out his approval shall not become a law unless subsequent-
ly passed at a meeting by favorable vote of four-fifths of
the whole board of aldermen within twenty days from the