81. The Town of Mount Airy shall make a charge, the
amount to be determined by the council, for each connection
made to the town's water or sewer mains. This charge
shall be uniform throughout the town, but may be changed
from year to year. Arrangements for the payment of this
charge shall be made before the connection is made. Any
person so desiring may pay one-fourth of the charge set
by the council before the connection is made. In this case,
the balance due the town shall be paid in three annual in-
stallments in the three years next following the year in
which the connection was made. Such balance shall bear
interest at the rate of six per cent (6%) per year. The
revenue derived from these connection charges, over and
above the actual cost of the connection, shall be used toward
retiring any bonds issued for the water or sewage disposal
system and the interest thereon and for other purposes
connected with the water or sewage disposal systems.
82. Before any plumbing work is done in any private
building or on any private property, the person, firm, or
corporation doing the plumbing shall obtain a permit from
the Town of Mount Airy and shall pay therefor such fee
as may be established by the council. All plumbing work
shall be done under rules and regulations established by
the council and inspections may be made by the town to
determine that the rules and regulations are being fol-
83. In order to prevent any leakage or waste of water
or other improper use of the town's water system or sew-
age disposal system, the Town of Mount Airy may require
such changes in plumbing, fixtures, or connections as it
deems necessary to prevent such waste or improper use.
84. No water supply, sewerage, or storm water drain-
age system, and no water mains, sewers, drains, or con-
nections therewith, shall be constructed or operated by
any person or persons, firm, corporation, institution, or
community, whether upon private premises or otherwise,
without the written consent of and under rules prescribed
by the council. All cesspools or other private methods of
sewage disposal shall be operated and maintained in such