12. The council shall determine its own rules and order
of business. It shall keep a journal of its proceedings and
enter therein the yeas and nays upon any question, resolu-
tion, or ordinance if required by any one member. The
journal shall be open to public inspection.
13. Vacancies in the council shall be filled as provided
in Section 37 of this charter.
14. The council by ordinance may create, change, and
abolish offices, departments, or agencies, other than the
offices, departments, and agencies established by this
charter. The council by ordinance may assign additional
functions or duties to offices, departments, or agencies
established by this charter, but may not discontinue or
assign to any other office, department, or agency^ any
function or duty assigned by this charter to a particular
office, department, or agency.
15. The council shall fix the salaries of all officers and
employees of the Town of Mount Airy, except the salaries
of councilmen and the mayor.
16. All ordinances passed by the council shall be deliv-
ered by the council secretary or the town clerk at once,
or as soon as conveniently may be, to the mayor for his
approval or disapproval. If the mayor approves of any
ordinance, he shall sign it. If the mayor disapproves of any
ordinance, he may refuse to sign it. The mayor shall
return all ordinances to the council secretary or the town
clerk within six days after delivery to him, (including the
days of delivery and return and excluding Sunday) with
his approval or disapproval. Any ordinance approved by
the mayor shall be law. Any ordinance disapproved by
the mayor shall be returned by the mayor without his
signature and with a message stating the reasons for his
disapproval. Any disapproved ordinance shall not become
a law unless subsequently passed by a favorable vote of
four-fifths of the whole council at the next regular meeting
of the council or at any special meeting of the council held