(c) The foregoing shall be used for any municipal primary
or general election hereafter to be held in the City of Balti-
(d) It shall be the duty of the Board of Supervisors of Elec-
tions to disseminate information regarding the securing and
mailing of Absentee Ballots as much as possible among the
Absentee Residents of Baltimore, Maryland, and, to this end,
it is authorized to seek the cooperation both of the pub-
lishers of newspapers and other publications, radio stations
and other agencies customarily used in the dissemination of
news or information, and also of the War and Navy Depart-
ments and the Office of War Information, or of any other
Federal office or agency.
215. Upon receipt of each application for an Absentee
Ballot, it shall be the duty of the Board to enter the fact that
such application has been made, the name and address of the
applicant, the date the application was received, the political
party of the applicant (if any, and if the application is for an
Absentee Ballot for a primary election), and any other rele-
vant information in books to be kept especially for that pur-
pose. The Board shall verify from the registration books
whether such applicant is registered, and, if he is, the record
of such application and the precinct and ward or district
in which he is registered shall be entered in a book or books
marked "Applications of Registered Absentee Residents".
If the applicant is not registered, or if the Board cannot
determine whether or not the applicant is registered, such
record and the precinct and ward or district in which his
home address is located shall be entered in a book or books
marked "Applications of Unregistered Absentee Residents".
Such books shall also show the date on which an Absentee
Ballot was mailed to the applicant. Upon receipt of an
Absentee Ballot from an unregistered Absentee Resident,
said Board shall determine from the oath on said Ballot
Envelope hereinafter provided for, whether said applicant is
entitled to be registered, under the provisions of this sub-title
and if such applicant is entitled to be registered he shall at
once be registered and the letters "A. R. " placed after his
name in or on the appropriate registration book or card.
His registration and the date thereof shall also be noted in
the book marked "Application of Unregistered Absentee Resi-
dents". The books herein provided for shall be open to inspec-
tion of any candidate or his duly authorized representative,
and to the War Ballot Commission or its representatives.
216. (a) It shall be the duty of the Board to meet as fre-
quently as may be necessary to examine promptly applica-