act as depository of the proceeds of the bonds, the rev-
enues or other funds of the Authority, and to furnish such
indemnity bonds or to pledge such securities as may be
required by the Authority.
SEC. 10. And be it further enacted:
(Revenues. ) The Authority is hereby authorized to
fix and to revise from time to time rates, rentals or charges
for the use of its facilities, and to charge and collect the
same, and to contract with any person, partnership, asso-
ciation or corporation desiring the use of any facility or
facilities or any part thereof, and to fix the terms, condi-
tions and rates of charges for such use.
Such rates, rentals or charges shall be so fixed and
adjusted as to provide a fund sufficient with other revenues
of its facilities, if any, to pay (a) the cost of operation,
maintenance and repair of its facilities unless such cost
shall be otherwise provided for, including reserves for
such purposes and for replacements, depreciation and
necessary extensions, and (b) the revenue bonds of the
Authority and the interest thereon as the same shall be-
come due, and reserves for such purpose. Such rates,
rentals or charges shall not be subject to supervision or
regulation by any other State or County commission, board,
bureau or agency.
SEC. 11. And be it further enacted:
(Remedies of Bondholders and Trustee. ) Any holder of
revenue bonds or revenue refunding bonds issued under
the provisions of this Act or of any of the coupons attached
thereto, and the Trustee under any trust indenture, except
to the extent the rights herein given may be restricted by
resolution passed before the issuance of the particular
bonds or by the applicable trust indenture, may, either at
law or in equity, by suit, action, mandamus, or other pro-
ceedings, protect and enforce any and all rights under the
laws of Maryland or granted hereunder or under such
resolution or trust indenture, or under any resolution of
the County Commissioners, and may enforce and compel
performance of all duties required by this Act or by any
such resolution, trust indenture or resolution of the County
Commissioners to be performed by the Authority or the
County Commissioners of Baltimore County or by any
officer thereof, including the fixing, charging and collect-
ing of rates and charges for the use of any of the facilities
of the Authority.