Theodore R. McKeldin, Governor 323
temporary registration plates or markers may be used
by used car dealers as well as other registered dealers
in motor vehicles; making provision for the use of such
markers; and repealing the section of the motor vehicle
laws having to do with the use of used car dealer regis-
tration plates, which section henceforth would be un-
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a new sub-section be and it is hereby added
to Section 61 of Article 66 1/2 of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1951 Edition—being Section 55A of the 1947
Supplement, as enacted by Chapter 655 of the Acts of
1951), title "Motor Vehicles," sub-title "Administration-
Registration—Titling," said new sub-section to be known
as Sub-section (i-1), to follow immediately after Sub-sec-
tion (i) of said section; and that Sub-section (d) of said
Section 61 be and it is hereby repealed and re-enacted, with
amendments, all to read as follows:
(d) A dealer [shall not] may issue, assign, transfer, or
deliver temporary registration plates or markers only to
[any one other than] the bona fide purchaser or owner of
the vehicle whether or not the vehicle is to be registered
in Maryland [to be registered; nor shall a dealer issue
temporary registration plates or markers without first ob-
taining from said purchaser or owner a written applica-
tion for the annual titling and registration of the pur-
chased vehicle with the prescribed fees therefor, which
application and fee the said dealer shall immediately for-
ward to the Department by mail or messenger;] for whom
the dealer shall, on request, transmit forthwith to the De-
partment a written application for the annual titling and
registration of the purchased vehicle with the prescribed
fees therefor. If a dealer so issuing such temporary regis-
tration plates or markers be not requested to so forward
such application for annual titling and registration of the
vehicles sold such dealer shall forthwith notify the Depart-
ment of such issuance in the manner provided in Section
61 (c) of this Article. [Nor shall a] A dealer shall not
issue temporary registration plates or markers to any one
possessed of annual registration plates for a vehicle that
has been sold or exchanged; nor shall any dealer lend to any
one or use on any vehicle that he may own, temporary
registration plates or markers. It shall be unlawful for
any person to issue any temporary registration plate or
marker, or plates or markers, containing any misstatement