Theodore R. McKeldin, Governor 273
laws do not require title registration shall be exempt
from the titling tax.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Sub-section 28 (d) and Section 42 of
Article 66 1/2 of the Annotated Code of Maryland (1951
Edition—being, respectively, Sub-section 25A(d) and Sec-
tion 37 in the 1947 Supplement), title "Motor Vehicles,"
sub-title "Administration—Registration—Titling," be and
they are herby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments,
to read as follows:
(d). Certificates of title for all motor vehicles owned by
the State of Maryland or any political subdivision of the
State and for fire engines and other fire department emer-
gency apparatus, including ambulance operated by or in
connection with any fire department, and for all motor
vehicles acquired for re-sale by any registered new or used
car dealer from non-residents who are from states whose
laws do not require title registration, shall be exempt from
the tax imposed by this section.
42. (a) (Procedure of Sale and Purchase for Used or
Second-Hand Motor Vehicles.) It shall be unlawful and
a misdemeanor for anyone other than a registered dealer
to purchase or for anyone to sell within the limits of the
State of Maryland any used or second-hand motor vehicle
for which no certificate of title has been issued by the
Department or by another State unless the following pro-
visions of this section shall be first complied with.
(b) Anyone so desiring to sell such motor vehicle, who
does not have in his possession sufficient evidence of owner-
ship, shall make application to the Department for a certifi-
cate of title, appropriately describing therein the vehicle
so to be sold, naming the place in which the said vehicle
is registered and the number of the current registration
plates, or such other information that the Department may
require, and the name and address of the applicant.
(c) Such application must be subscribed and sworn to
and when filed with the Department must be accompanied
by the payment of Two ($2.00) Dollars to cover the esti-
mated average cost incident to the inquiry hereinafter pro-
vided for, such sum to be accounted for by the Department
as are other monies received under this Article.
(d) Upon receipt of an application in proper form ac-