CHAP. 83.
tors; provided, that the same be not contrary to the
provisions of this act.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
contained shall be construed to exempt the property of
the said corporation from taxation.
Banking prohi-
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That nothing in this act
contained shall be construed to authorise the said com-
pany to exercise banking privileges, or to issue any
note in the form of a bank note or certificate payable to
bearer, or to exercise any privilege whatever, not ex-
pressly granted by this act.
Right to inves-
tigate, &c.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That to the Legislature
is hereby reserved the right at any and all times, free-
ly to investigate the affairs of said company, and after
the year eighteen hundred and forty-five to repeal or
modify the charter thereof.
Passed Feb. 13,
An act to confirm an act, entitled, an act to amend the
Constitution and Form of Government of the State
of Maryland, passed at December session eighteen
hundred and thirty-six, chapter one hundred and
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the act, entitled, an act to amend the Constitu-
tion and Form of Government of the State of Maryland,
passed at December session eighteen hundred and thirty
six, chapter one hundred and ninety-seven, be, and the
same is hereby ratified and confirmed.
Passed Feb. 9,
An act to divorce Julia Ann Gordy, of Worcester coun-
ty, from her husband, William Quintan Gordy.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Julia Ann Gordy, of Worcester county, be, and
she is hereby divorced from her husband, William
Quinton Gordy, a vinculo matrimonii.