CHAP. 83.
Passed Feb. 13,
An act to Incorporate the Law Buildings Company, of
Persons incor-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That S. Owings Hoffman, D. Hoffman,
J. S. Nicholas, John B. Ricards, George Baughman,
John Matthews, junior, and those who may hereafter
become members of the company hereinafter mentioned,
and their successors, be, and they are hereby created
and declared to be a body politic and corporate by the
name and style of the Law Buildings Company of Bal-
timore, and by the name aforesaid to have perpetual
Corporate pow-
succession, with power to sue and be sued, and to make
and use a common seal, and to make, alter and repeal
rules and by laws for the good government of the said
company, and also to hold, use and enjoy in fee simple
Property defin-
or for any lessee estate, the lot or parcel of ground
and premises situate in the city of Baltimore, at the
south-west corner of St. Paul's and Lexington streets,
the former scite of the Athenaeum, upon which are
erected the house or buildings and appurtenances known
and denominated as the Law Buildings, and also the
improvements, fixtures, conveniences and advantages
erected or to be erected on the said lot or parcel of
Authority giv-
ground, or appurtenant thereto, and also to sell, lease,
alter, improve and dispose of the same or any part
thereof at their pleasure.
Capital $50,000.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
the said company shall be fifty thousand dollars, to be
divided into five hundred shares of one hundred dollars
each, and shall be distributed among the persons in-
terested in the said lot of ground and premises in such
manner as shall be agreed upon between them, and
every person, copartnership or corporation, who is, or
shall be a proprietor of one or more shares of the said
stock, shall by virtue thereof be a member of the said
corporation, and shall be entitled at all meetings of
the stockholders for the election of officers, or for any
other purposes, to one vote, in person or by proxy, for
every share of stock so held.