OYSTERS, — The powers and authority granted to
sheriffs by the original act, is hereby ex-
tended to constables and all officers,
civil and military, in this State,
It shall not be lawful for any one to
catch or take, from any of the creeks or
rivers within the limits of any counties
in this State, with tongs, rakes or any
instrument whatever, unless he be at the
time a resident of the county,
If the creek, river &c. be a dividing
line between two counties, the privilege
of taking shall belong to the residents of
both counties, and none other,
Persons offending against this act, on
conviction before a justice of the peace,
subject to fine of from 5 to $50, to be
levied on the body or goods of the offend-
er &c.
Said justice shall take the boat in pos-
session of the offender, together with her
papers, furniture, tackel and apparel,
and all things on board at the time, and
sell the same to the highest bidder after
ten days notice,
No persons other than residents of
the county &c. shall take, carry away or
otherwise destroy any, within 500 yards
of the shore, in any waters of this State
under the foregoing penalties,
All the powers granted to sheriffs in
the 6th sec. of the original act, extended
to all officers, civil and military,
After payment of costs of prosecution
&c. the balance arising from fines and
forfeitures under this act shall be appor-
tioned one-fourth to the sheriff or officer,
and the remainder amongst those he may
have summoned to aid him,