the sum of two thousand dollars, for the true and faith-
ful performance of the duties of his office; and all mo-
neys received by him or them, after paying the rent of
said scales, and all necessary expense in keeping the
same in repair, shall he retained by them as their sal-
arias; provided the same dues nut exceed more than
two-thirds of the whole amount received; then and in
that rase the surplus shall be paid over, under oath, by
CHAP. 319.
Their salaries.
said inspectors every three months, to the Treasurer
for the Western Shore.
Payment to the
SEC. 13. And be it enacted, That in case the scales
or weights shall be purchased for the use of the State,
in the manner hereinbefore directed, then and in that
event, the inspector or inspectors, shall receive as their
Case of pur-
chase, &c.
salaries two-thirds of the whole amount of proceeds
arising from the inspection; and that the surplus after
paying all necessary expenses for keeping in repair the
said scales and weights, to be paid over, under oath,
every three months to the Treasurer for the Western
Shore, as before directed.
Balance to the
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the Governor is
authorised to draw on the Treasurer for a sufficient
amount of money, not otherwise appropriated, to carry
into effect the provisions of this act.
Authority to
draw on trea-
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That the act passed at
December session eighteen hundred and thirty-seven,
and all acts and parts of acts that are inconsistent with
the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed.
SEC. 16. And be it enacted, That nothing contained
in the provisions of this act shall he so construed as to
prevent the weighing and inspection of hay and straw,
in the manner now provided by the ordinances of the.
Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, or under the,
existing laws of the State, until the scales are provided,
for that purpose according to the provisions of this