CHAP. 284.
or gelding for any wager or wagers on the public roads
or streets in said county.
Fine for violat-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That any person or per-
sons offending against the provisions of this act shall,
on conviction before any justice of the peace for said
county, be fined a sum of money not less than twenty dol-
lars for each and every offence, besides costs of prose-
Officers enjoin-
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all officers of the
peace in and for Cecil county, are requested and re-
quired to he faithful in the discharge of their duties in
arresting and bringing to justice each and every
offender against the provisions of this act.
Passed Mar. 29,
An act to authorise the Clerk of Worcester County Court
to record a Deed therein mentioned.
Record directed.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the Clerk of Worcester county court be, and ho
is hereby authorised and required to record a deed of
bargain and sale, bearing date the seventeenth day of
October eighteen hundred and thirty-six, in which
Eliza M. J. Clarvoe, of the State of Virginia is grant-
or, and John Burnett, of Worcester county, in this
Deed confirmed.
State, is grantee, and the said deed shall have as full
force, legal operation and effect as if the same had
been acknowledged and certified before two justices of
the peace of the State of Maryland, and had been re-
corded according to the provisions of the laws of this
State; provided this act shall not affect any bona fide
purchaser without notice.
Passed Mar. 29,
An act to authorise Commissioners to open and make
public a Road in St. Mary's County.
to lay out and
SECTION 1 Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That George Forbes, Cornelius Coombes