CHAP. 191.
SBC. 6. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty
of the President and Directors of each Fire Company
to appoint and order some appropriate designation or
badge to be worn by the members of said company, in
front of their hats or caps, at all times when attending
their engine; and if any person, not a member of said
company, shall assume or wear said badge, or any imita-
tion thereof, at any time when the company shall be
Penalty for as-
engaged in their appropriate duties, he shall be fined,
in a sum not excelling five dollars, to be sued for and
recovered in the name and for the use of the said com-
pany, before a single magistrate, in the way that small
debts are by law recoverable.
Competent wit-
SEC. 7. And be if enacted, That any member or mem-
bers of a fire company, notwithstanding his or their
being a member of the company, seeking to recover
the penalty imposed by this act, shall be, and they are
hereby declared to be competent witnesses in any case
wherein the penalties imposed by this act are sought
to be recovered.
Passed Mar. 20,
An act to Incorporate the Union Academy.
WHEREAS, application has been made to this Gene-
ral Assembly of Maryland, by the Trustees of the U-
nion Academy or School, for the passage of a law to
Incorporate the said Union Academy or School, of Bal-
timore county: — Therefore,
Seminary esta-
SECTION. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a seminary of learning by the name
of the Union Academy, be established near Middletown,
in Baltimore county, upon the following fundamental
principles, — First, the said academy shall be founded
and maintained forever upon the most liberal plan, for
the benefit of youth of every religious denomination,
who shall be freely admitted to equal privileges and
advantages of education, — Second, that all individuals
subscribing to the building of this academy, shall re-
ceive certificates of stock at the price hereinafter men-
tioned, and shall be entitled to vote the ratio herein-