CHAP. 11.
the placing of any thing or obstruction on any rail road,
in violation of the first section of this act, then the
person or persons so placing the thing or obstruction,
shall be deemed guilty of murder.
Penalty for in-
juring, &c.
SEC. 3, And be it enacted, That if any person or per-
sons shall break or injure in any manner any rail road in
this State, or any bridge attached to any rail road in this
State, with a view or intent to obstruct or overthrow any
car, vehicle or carriage passing or travelling on such rail
road or bridge, such person or persons so offending, shall
be subject to all the penalties and consequences of per-
sons guilty of the offences specified in the first section
If death ensue.
hereof; and if in consequence of such breaking or injury,
death ensue, the party offending shall be deemed guilty of
murder, and be in all respects subject to the same penal-
ties and consequences as those prescribed against persons
offending against the second section of this act.
Passed Feb. 28,
A supplement to an act, entitled an act to establish magis-
trates courts in the several counties in this State, and to
prescribe their jurisdiction, passed December session
eighteen hundred and thirty-five, chapter two hundred
and one.
Justices' fees.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act, the
district justices of the district courts in the several districts
in Frederick county, shall be entitled to their fees accord-
ing to the provisions of the act to which this is a supple-
ment, instead of their per diem allowance, and they shall
not be entitled to any per diem allowance whatever.
SEC. 2. And, be it enacted, That the twenty-fourth sec-
tion of the act to which this is a supplement, be and the
same is hereby repealed, so far as relates to Frederick
county, except so much of the said section, providing, that
the chief justices shall furnish to the levy court or com-
missioners of tax of the several counties of this State, be-
fore the first day of June in each year, a full and fair
statement of the amount of fees by the said district justices
respectively received.