CHAP. 85.
Their powers
and duties.
son and Dr. William Queen, be and they are hereby ap-
pointed a board of school commissioners for Charles
county, who shall have power and authority to hear and
act upon all applications for laying off, altering, increas-
ing or diminishing the number of the school districts in
said county, and to adjust and settle the limits of said
district; and it shall be their duty to change the lines of
said districts, and to increase or diminish their number to
suit the convenience of the persons interested in said re-
spective schools.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That in case any vacancy
shall happen in said board of school commissioners, it
shall be the duty of the remaining members of said board
of commissioners and their successors, as soon as practi-
cable, to supply the said vacancy, by the appointment of
some suitable person living within the election district in
which the person whose place may have become vacant
shall have resided.
Children may
attend school
not in their
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall and may be
lawful for the children residing within any school district,
to attend any school of a district in which they may not
reside, if the same be nearer to said children, or other-
wise more convenient to them.
to meet quar-
terly, &c.
To appoint offi-
cers — make
contracts, &c.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the trustees of each
district school in Charles county, and their successors in
office, or a majority of them, shall meet at least four times
in every year, in stated quarterly meetings, to be appoint-
ed by their own ordinances, and at such other lime as by
their ordinances, or by their adjournments, they may di-
rect; and when so assembled, they shall have power, from
time to time, to appoint a president, treasurer and secre-
tary to the board of trustees for each district school, to
make contracts with professors or teachers, relative to the
instruction of the scholars to be placed under their care,
and for the payment of their salaries, to examine the pro-
gress of the students and scholars in their learning, to
hear and determine on all complaints and appeals, and
upon all matters touching the discipline and government
of the said schools, and the proper execution of their ordi-
nances, and generally to manage the concerns of said
schools in like manner, as is usually done for the advance-
ment and advantage of such institutions, always having in
view the designs of the act to which this is a supplement.