the purpose of shaking out stayed or other condemned to-
bacco, or so much of said garret as may be necessary for
the purpose aforesaid, and that permission be given by
said inspector to any person engaged in the business of
reconditioning such tobacco, to use the said garret or so
much thereof as may be necessary therefor by said indivi-
dual as appointed, furnishing his own screws.
Resolved further, That the inspector of tobacco, at
warehouse number one, be required also, to reserve a part
of the garret floor of said warehouse, for the purpose ex-
pressed in the above resolution, and under similar re-
Resolved, That the resolution number forty-three, pass-
ed at December session eighteen hundred and thirty-seven,
be and the same is hereby repealed.
No. 18.
Passed Mar. 5,
Resolution relative to the Eastern Shore Rail Road Com-
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the resolution number eighty-four, of December session
eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, be and the same is
hereby rescinded and annulled, and all the authority and
directions that were thereby given or intended to be there-
by given to the treasurer of the Western Shore, are hereby
absolutely revoked.
No. 19
Passed Mar. 7,
Resolution in favor of the Reverend Mr. Guest and the
Reverend Mr. McElhiney.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the Western Shore pay to the Reverend
Mr. Guest and the Reverend Mr. McElhiney, or order, one
hundred dollars each, as a compensation for their services
during the present session of the legislature.