on which such instalment is clue; and the company by their
said commissioners may sell the same upon ten days no-
tice, to the highest bidder at public sale in Allegany
CHAP. 341.
SEC. 11. And be it enacted, That it is herein provided
that the company shall not so lay out, or use their said
turnpike road as "to prevent or hinder the access to said
road, or the passing over it by any county road, or by the
owner of any land contiguous thereto, and moreover all
and every person, or other companies, shall and may have
access to the rail road of the company, by any lateral rail
or train road, for the purpose of bringing their minerals or
other things thereto, tor transportation to Cumberland, ac-
Not to lay out
so as to hinder
access to road.
cording to the rates of toll herein prescribed, and it is here-
by made the duty of said company to transport all mine-
rals and produce brought to said road for transportation.
To transport all
minerals, &c.
SEC. 12. And be it enacted, That it is herein further
provided that this charter is in no wise to operate against
the right which any of the companies now have by their
respective charters, to make and use a rail road for their
own purpose, who shall not be willing to take this com-
mon track of rail road, as a substitute for their own, since
it is net intended hereby to interfere with any former grant
This act not to
operate against
other companies.
of this legislature; and it is hereby further provided, that
said companies under this act, or any other companies
which may accept of this act, under their original charters,
or any supplement thereto, shall not issue any note, scrip,
token, device or evidence of debt whatsoever, to be used
Banking forbid.
as currency; and the State hereby reserves the right to al-
ter, amend and repeal this act whenever the same may be
deemed advisable.
Rights reserved.
An act for the Payment of the Journal of Accounts.
WHEREAS, it appears by the journal of accounts of this
session, that there is due from this State, the sum of fifty
one thousand two hundred and fifteen dollars and fifty-one
cents — Therefore,
Passed Mar 21,
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the treasurer of the Western Shore of Maryland, be
and he is hereby authorised and required to pay the seve-
ral persons, their executors, administrators or orders, or to
Payment au-
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