least twenty years preceding the date of his, her or their
application, as aforesaid.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of
the surveyor, on making any such survey, to return a cer-
tificate thereof, together with a certificate that the appli-
cation, notice and other acquirements of this act have been
strictly complied with, and which certificate shall be evi-
dence thereof, to the register of the land office for the
shore on which said lands shall lie, to be by him delivered
CHAP. 34.
Certificate to be
to the examiner for said shore, who, if the same shall be
imperfect, shall return it to the said register, to be by
him transmitted to the surveyor who made the same, for
If imperfect
amendment; but if the same shall pass the examination,
the said examiner shall deliver it to the register of the
said land office, to be by him recorded in a proper and
sufficient book, to be kept by him for the purpose of ren-
dering all such certificates, which it shall be his duty to
do immediately after patent issue thereon, and not
To be recorded.
before; and the register of the said land office shall make
out a giant or patent, and shall present the same, provided
said lands shall be in the Western Shore, to the chancellor
for his approbation, and being attested by him, and signed
by the Governor of the State for the time being, the seal
Grant or patent
to be made out.
If on W. Shore
of the State shall be thereunto annexed; but if the said
lands shall be on the Eastern Shore, then the register
making out such grant or patent shall present the same to
the judge of the land office for the Eastern Shore for his
approbation, and the same being approved of by him,
and so certified, shall be transmitted by the said register,
at his own proper expense to the chancellor for his attes-
tation, and being attested by him, and signed by the Go-
vernor for the time being, the seal of the State shall be
But if on E. S.
thereunto annexed; the cost and expense of which seal shall
be paid by the said register, which sum so paid by the
said register, together with the sheriff's commission for
collection, may be collected from the owner or owners of
the patent by the said register, in the same manner as offi-
Cost— how col-
cers fees are by law directed to be collected; and every
grant or patent so obtained as aforesaid, shall immediately
thereafter be recorded in the land office for the shore on
which such lands shall lie, in a proper and sufficient
book to be kept for the purpose of recording all such grants
and patents.
Grant, &c. to be