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Session Laws, 1839
Volume 600, Page 295   View pdf image
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pleaded, to purchase and convey lands, tenements and
hereditaments, to bind out children and to appoint a board
of managers, as is hereinafter specified, shall reside in a
board of governors, to consist of John S. Gittings, James
Howard, A. F. Henderson, Samuel Wyman and James

CHAP. 308.

Mason Campbey, Esquires, and their successors, and that
said board shall have power to fill all vacancies which
may occur among its members, by death, removal, resig-
nation or otherwise, and to make such officers, from among
their own number, as they may think necessary.

Their powers.

SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the collection and
employment of the means of said body corporate, in the
support and education of female children, shall be confided

Board of mana-

to a board of managers, to consist of twenty-four ladies,
either married or unmarried, being annual contributors of
five dollars or upwards, to be annually appointed by the
governors, upon whom shall devolve also the duty, if re-
quested by the said board of managers, of filling up any

To consist of 24.

vacancies happening during the current year; said board
of managers to have power to contract in the name of the
body corporate, for the renting of houses, for the purchase
of all things necessary for the support and education of
the children, and for the employment and compensation of
agents and servants, to appoint any officers they may think
expedient, and define their duties and term of office; to
pass such by-laws for their government and that of the
asylum, as they conceive proper, so that they be not
against law, including herein the power to determine what
number of their body shall constitute a, quorum; and ge-
nerally to have and exercise all the powers which may
by a liberal construction, be necessary for effecting the
end of the creation of said body politic, and which are
not hereinbefore vested in the governors.

Their powers
and duties.

SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the right is hereby ex-
pressly reserved to the General Assembly of Maryland, at
its pleasure, to alter, amend or annul this act of incorpo-


Rights reserved.

An act to incorporate the Baltimore Resinous Cloth and
Carpet Manufacturing Company.

Passed Mar. 1,


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Thomas C. Coyle, Robert Semms,

Individuals in-

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Session Laws, 1839
Volume 600, Page 295   View pdf image
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