An act to incorporate the Franklin Beneficial Society.
WHEREAS, Jacob Deems, Thomas H. Denison, Wil-
liam Kerley, Charles Webb, William Hance, James A.
Hazelett, and others, have formed themselves into a society
for the laudable purpose of affording relief to each other
and their respective families in the event of sickness, dis-
tress and death, and have prayed an act of incorporation
that they may the better execute their intentions, and the
legislature being desirous to promote such useful institu-
CHAP. 305.
Passed Mar. 17,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Jacob Deems, Thomas H. Denison, Wil-
liam Kerley, Chales Webb, William Hance, James A.
Hazelett, and others, that now are or may hereafter be-
come members of said corporation herein erected, or may
be admitted into the said corporation, agreeably to the con-
stitution, rules and by-laws of the same, and their succes-
sors, are hereby declared to be one community, corpora-
tion and body politic forever, by the name, style and title
of the Franklin Beneficial Society; provided, that the said
corporation may be dissolved at any time by the consent of
its members, as is hereafter provided.
Individuals in-
Name and style.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the affairs of the said
society shall be managed and conducted by a president,
vice president, treasurer and acting committee of seven
members, to be chosen annually, on the second Tuesday in
December, in each and every year, in such manner as the
said society shall think proper to appoint.
When chosen.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the present members of
said society and their successors, by their corporate name,
shall and may have succession, and shall and may at all
times hereafter be persons able and capable in law to pur-
chase, take, have and enjoy, to them and their succes-
sors, in fee or less estate or estates, any land, tenements,
rents, annuities, chattels, United States stocks, bank
stock, registered debt or other public securities within this
State, by the gift, purchase or devise of or from any per-
son or persons, bodies politic or corporate, capable to make
the same; and the same at their pleasure to alien, sell,
transfer or release in such manner as they may judge most
conducive to the charitable uses of the said society; pro-
vided nevertheless, that the said corporation or body poli-
Corporate pow-
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