CHAP. 28.
shall place the said brand on any cask, barrel or half bar-
rel of flour, he shall forfeit and pay to the State, a fine of
not less than five nor more than twenty dollars, for each
and every offence, to be recovered before any justice of
the peace in the city of Baltimore.
Inspectors to
apportion ex-
penses, &c.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That hereafter the general
inspector and three assistant inspectors of flour, shall ap-
portion among themselves the whole of the expenses of
their respective offices, and each shall bear and pay an
equal part of such expenses, and in like manner the pro-
ceeds of their offices as inspectors, and of the sales of the
drawings, shall be equally divided among them, any thing
in any law to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed Mar. 16,
A supplement to the act of eighteen hundred and twenty-
seven, chapter one hundred and forty, entitled an act for
the education of the indigent deaf and dumb of this State.
Any surplus, of
the sum of $3, -
500, to be appli-
ed to educating
indigent blind.
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That in case there shall be recommended to the Governor
of this State by the trustees of the poor of the different
counties, more indigent blind children than can be educa-
ted under the provisions of the act of eighteen hundred
and thirty-seven, chapter one hundred and seventy-three,
any surplus which may annually remain in the treasury,
of the sum of three thousand five hundred dollars appro-
priated by the law to which this is a supplement, for the
education of the deaf and dumb, shall be applied to the
education of such indigent blind children, in the manner
pointed out in the first section of the said act of eighteen
hundred and thirty-seven, chapter one hundred and sev-
enty-three; and that the Governor shall be and he is here-
by authorised to draw on the same accordingly.