CHAP. 187.
Passed Mar. 3,
An act to incorporate the Trustees of the Salisbury Public
WHEREAS, several citizens of the Town of Salisbury,
hereinafter named, have associated for the purpose of es-
tablishing a public cemetery near said town, in Worcester
county; and whereas, they have purchased certain real es-
tate, with funds arising from voluntary subscription of
sundry citizens of said town, for the purpose of appropri-
ating the same to the sole purpose of a public cemetery;
and whereas, it seems reasonable and necessary to provide
for the permanence of the said establishment, so that those
who bury there, may be assured of perpetual protection to
the remains of relatives and friends, and for the decent
preservation of the ground — therefore,
Individuals in-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That Daniel Davis, Joshua Leonard, Jehu
Parsons, Colbourn Long, David Vance, George Todd,
Jacob Riggin, Levin G. Irving, James Hooper, William
H. Wailes and James Doroughty, and their successors, be
and they are hereby created a body politic and corporate,
Name and style.
by the name and title of the Trustees of the Salisbury
Public Cemetery, and by that name shall have perpetual
Legal capacity.
succession, and shall be able and liable to sue and be sued,
in any court of law or equity; and may have and use a
common seal, and the same at their pleasure to alter or
To hold real
renew; and shall have power to purchase, have, hold and
enjoy, to them and their successors, the public cemetery
aforesaid, or such other real estate as they may select, for
the purpose of establishing, maintaining and improving
said cemetery, which is hereby declared to be the only ob-
Limit of pro-
ject for which said corporation is created; provided, the
quantity of land owned by said corporation shall not ex-
ceed ten acres, with authority to the said corporation to
receive gifts or bequests for the purpose of improving and
ornamenting said cemetery, and to hold such personal
property as may be necessary to carry out the object of
Meeting to es-
tablish by-laws.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the Trustees of the
Salisbury Public Cemetery, shall have a meeting on or be-
fore the first day of next September, for the purpose of
establishing a suitable code of by-laws, by which they are
to regulate their future meetings and proceedings, and to
provide for the election of their officers; a majority of the