and dispose of for the best price to be had, not less than
par, certificates of stock of the State, bearing interest at
the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable quarterly,
and redeemable at the pleasure of the State, after the year
eighteen hundred and ninety, to an amount not exceeding
six hundred and sixty-three thousand one hundred and
ninety-six dollars and sixty six cents, in lieu of an equal
amount of five pur cent, stock which was authorized to
dred and thirty-eight, chapter three hundred and ninety-
CHAP. 20.
Bearing 6 per.
cent interest.
five, and now remains unsold; and the proceeds of all
sales of the stock to be issued by virtue of this act, shall
be paid over by said commissioner to the Treasurer of the
Western Shore, who shall pay the par value of said stock
of the said proceeds to the Baltimore and Susquehanna
Rail Road Company, which shall be, by said company,
appropriated to the several objects and purposes specified
Sales of stock
to be paid, &c.
in the act aforesaid; provided, that the Commissioner of
Loans shall reserve and place in the hands of the Trea-
surer of the Slate a sufficient amount of said bonds, at
their par value, which shall be equal to and in payment
of the arrearages of interest due on the first day of Janu-
ary, eighteen hundred and forty, by said company to the
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That if at any time
hereafter the Legislature shall, by law, see fit so to re-
quire, the said company shall provide a sufficient number
of cars, and are hereby authorized and required to trans-
port, at the request of the owner or owners, lime, lime-
stone and wood, at the rales established by the charter of
the company and the several supplements thereto, the
owner or owners to bear all the charges of lading and un-
lading, and the said cars to be provided at their usual
stopping places and switches.
If legislature
shall require to
provide cars.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall be of no
force or effect until the stockholders of said company, in
general meeting assembled, and the city of Baltimore, by
an ordinance of its Mayor and City Council, shall have
respectively assented to the same, and shall have agreed
that the change in the stock hereby authorized, shall not,
in any manner, affect the liens and securities of the State,
but that the same shall remain unimpaired, and be as ef-
fectual to secure the principal and interest of the loans
made or to be made to the said company, as if no change
had been made in the nature or character of the stock is-
sued by the Commissioner of Loans.
To be of no ef-
fect until as-
sented to.