CHAP. 106.
the amount thereof, a list of the names of the several out
pensioners, with the allowance to each; the number and
names of the inmates of the poor house at the time of said
report, as also such as may have been in, and left subse-
quent to their previous report; and also an account show-
ing the gross amount of money received and expended
within the same period.
Levy author-
ised, &c.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the levy court of
Charles county, at its annual session for the laying of the
county levy of said county, be and it is hereby authorised
and required, upon the receipt of the report of the trustees
of the poor of said county of the probable amount neces-
sary for the relief and support of the poor both in and out
of the poor house of said county, to levy the same upon
the assessable property of said county, in the name of the
trustees of the poor of Charles county, payable to them
or their order; provided, the same shall not exceed the sum
of three thousand dollars.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That so much of the act to
which this is a supplement, and all other acts or parts of
acts, as authorise the levy court of Charles county to
grant pensions, be and the same is hereby repealed.
Passed Mar. 11,
A supplement to the act, entitled an act to provide for the
administration of Justice in cases of Crimes and Misde-
meanors, in the city and precincts of Baltimore, passed
eighteen hundred and sixteen, chapter one hundred and
Sheriff to sum-
mon a pannel
of 48 men.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That from and after the passage of this act,
the sheriff of Baltimore county, for the time being, shall
summon and return a pannel of forty-eight good and law-
ful men residing within the said city, ten days before the
day appointed for holding the terras of Baltimore city
court, as provided by the act to which this is a supplement,
To draw by bal-
lot 23 to serve
as grand jurors.
And remainder
as petit jurors.
out of which said pannel, the said court shall direct the
clerk to draw by ballot, twenty-three persons, who shall
be empannelled and sworn to serve as grand jurors during
the term to which they shall be summoned; and the per-
sons remaining upon the said original pannel, shall attend the
said court and serve as petit jurors; and that no person