CHAP. 100.
be entitled to retain out of said funds, a per diem allow-
ance of two dollars each, for each days attendance at the
stated meetings aforesaid, and such further sum as may be
required to provide blank books for the use of the mana-
Orders to be
drawn, and how
SEC. 5. And be it enacted, That the managers of each
district shall draw their orders upon the county commis-
sioners for the payment of allowances that may be made
by said managers in virtue of this act, which orders shall
be paid by said commissioners in cash, or a check on the
person or bank having the said fund or deposit.
Accounts to
be kept.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, That the managers of each
district shall keep a book, in which they shall keep accu-
rate accounts of all their transactions, and a register of
the several schools in each district, the number, ages and
sexes of the children, designating the numbers which re-
ceive aid from the school fund, the sums of money allow-
ed, the number of the days of their attendance, and the
names of their teachers, and the sums contributed towards
their compensation, and shall report a statement thereof to
the General Assembly, annually, before the first Monday
in February.
To pay over all
balance, &c.
SEC. 7. And be it enacted, That every person or persons
who may have been heretofore intrusted with any portion
of the school funds of said county, shall on or before the
first Monday in April next, pay over to the commissioners
for Montgomery county, all that may then remain in hand
unexpended, and shall exhibit at the same time, an ac-
count of all that shall have been expended by such person
or persons; provided, that nothing contained in this section
shall prevent such person or persons from paying at any
time have been earned by any teacher or teachers for the
teaching of any child or children, in favor of whom an al-
lowance may be made by the county commissioners; and
provided further, that so much of the funds to be paid
over as aforesaid, as shall have heretofore belonged to, or
been intended to be applied for the benefit of any particu-
lar district, or particular school or schools in any district,
shall be considered as still belonging to, and to be used
for the same particular district, school or schools originally
entitled to the same, or intended to be benefitted thereby.
To make regu-
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That said school managers
may from time to time make such regulations for fully car-
rying out the design of this act for the good management
and well regulating of schools in said county, and the just