the Methodist meeting-house in said neck, and in order for that purpose the said commissioners, or
a majority of them, are hereby authorised and empowered to lay out, clear and open, at the expense
of those persons whom they may conceive benefitted thereby, in proportion as the benefit may arise
either to them or to their lands, a road not exceeding thirty feet wide, clear of ditches, beginning
at or near the said ferry and running in the most convenient and direct. course to or near the Me-
thodist meeting house in said neck.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the aforesaid commissioners, or a majority of them, are in-
structed to permit those persons through whose land said road may run, or who may be considered
benefitted thereby, to clear and open said road with their own servants, provided they do it on or
before the first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and twelve.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners, or a majority of them, are hereby. au-
thorised to locate a new road in the aforesaid neck, beginning at the gate of Jacob Gibson's dwell-
ing plantation, and running through the woods in the most direct rout through Bennett Bracoe's,
Edward Lloyd's and Jacob Gibson's lands, to his said Gibson's gate, at the plantation formerly be-
longing to Colonel Hughes, and the expense of clearing and opening the same to be assessed as the
other roads.
V. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall and they
are hereby directed and required to make, or cause to be made, a plot of said roads when opened
as aforesaid, and shall make a return of the said plot, together with a certificate of the courses of
the said roads, to the clerk of Talbot county, to be recorded among the records of said county, and
when the same shall have been laid out, cleared, made and opened, as directed by this act, the said
road shall for ever thereafter be deemed a public highway, and shall be kept in repair as other pub-
lic roads of Talbot county.
VI. AND BE IT ENACTED, That after said road shall be considered by the said commissioners
as fit for use, it shall and may be lawful for said commissioners to stop up the old road which leads
from or near the aforesaid ferry, to the Methodist meeting-house, near Mr. Lloyd's gate, and also
the road leading from the old meeting-house, near Mr. Gibson's gate, to the overseer's house on
Mr. Lloyd's farm, called the New Design.
VII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That if any of the commissioners named in this act shall die, resign,
or refuse to act, the remaining commissioners, or a majority of them, shall and they are hereby au-
thorised to supply such vacancy by the appointment of another person.
VIII. AND BE IT ENACTED, That when the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall
ascertain the respective sum or sums in their judgment due from those persons benefitted or inte-
rested as aforesaid by changing the said road, he, she or they, so refusing to pay the same, shall be
proceeded against in law for the recovery of the same, and may plead this act in justification, and
it is further enacted, that the commissioners shall levy the expense on the tended property only in,
said neck.
Passed Decem-
ber 25, 1810.
An ACT for the payment of the Journal of Accounts.
WHEREAS it appears by the journal of accounts of this session, that there is due from this
state the sum of twenty-one thousand four hundred and fourteen dollars and forty-seven
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the treasurer of the western shore
be and he is hereby authorised and required, to pay the several persons, their executors, admini-
strators, assigns or orders, or to such of them as shall offer to receive the same, the several sums
of current money, allowed to them respectively, as they appear to be settled and ascertained by the
said journal of accounts, out of any money now in the treasury, or that shall come into the trea-
sury, subject to the appropriation of the general assembly.