veyed the same, thereby the same became escheat to this state; that the said trustees of the Ro-
man Catholic church purchased the said lot from the said Stewart; that the said Luke Tiernan hath
obtained from the land-office of the western shore of this state, for the benefit of said trustees, and
the said petitioners have prayed this general assembly to release all the estate, right, title and in-
terest, of the state of Maryland, of, in, and to, the said lot to the said Luke Tiernan, and the prayer
of said petitioners being reasonable, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all the estate, right, title, interest
and claim, which the state of Maryland hath of, in and to, lot number three hundred and sixteen,
lying in the city of Baltimore, and distinguished on a plot of that part of the city called Philpot's
Point, by virtue of escheat, or otherwise, be and the same is hereby given, granted, released and
confirmed, to the said Luke Tiernan, his heirs and assigns, Tor ever, for the benefit of the trustees
of the Roman Catholic church in the town, now the city, of Baltimore.
Passed Decem-
ber 25, 1810.
An ACT for the relief of John Lyon, of Frederick County.
WHEREAS it is represented to this general assembly, by the petition of John Lyon, of Frede-
rick county, that the said John Lyon and a certain George Sheetinghelm, jointly purchased
of a certain Richard Galin Stockett, a tract of land lying in the county aforesaid, called Middle Plan-
tation, containing seventy-seven acres, and that on or about the month of September, eighteen hun-
dred and eight, they received a deed of conveyance in fee-simple for the same, and that since the
said conveyance the grantees therein named have divided the said tract of land between them, and
have actually executed deeds to each other for their respective parts of the said land so divided,
which deeds bear date on the twenty-fourth day of November, eighteen hundred and eight, and
have been duly recorded: And whereas it is also represented to this general assembly, that the said
John Lyon, at the times of executing the said several conveyances, was not a citizen of the United
States, but that the said John Lyon has since been duly naturalized according to the laws of the
United States, and hath prayed that a law might be passed to confirm the said conveyance;
II. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said several deeds
of conveyance shall have the same operation and effect in law, to vest the estate and interest in the
grantees therein named, as if the said John Lyon at the several periods of executing the same had
been duly naturalized as a citizen of the United States.
Passed Decem-
ber 25, 1810.
An ACT respecting the issuing of Writs of Executions out of the
Court of Appeals.
WHEREAS doubts are entertained whether sufficient power and authority are given by law for
the issuing of writs of execution out of the court of appeals, upon judgments or decrees which
have been, and which may be, rendered in the said court, held for the western and eastern shores
respectively; and to remove such doubts,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That where any writ of execution hath
issued, or shall issue, out of the court of appeals, upon any judgment or decree which hath been or
which may hereafter be rendered in the said court, held for the western and eastern shores respec-
tively, such execution, and the proceedings had and to be had thereon, shall be valid and effectual
in law, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, in the same manner as any execution which hath
issued, or may issue, out of any court of law in this state, upon a judgment rendered, or to be ren-
dered, in such court, and that the said court of appeals be and hereby is vested with the like and
similar powers with respect to writs of execution which the late general court possessed or exercised.
Passed Decem-
ber 25, 1810.
A Further Supplement to the Act, entitled, An Act to regulate and
discipline the Militia of this State.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the seventh section of the act, enti-
tled, A supplement to the act, entitled, An act to regulate and discipline the militia of this
state, be and the same is hereby repealed, and that the thirty-sixth section of the original act to
which this is a further supplement, be and the same is hereby revived and declared in full force
and virtue in law.