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Session Laws, 1810
Volume 599, Page 75   View pdf image
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concurring vote at a general meeting of the stockholders, to be called for that express purpose, dis-
solve this society, and terminate the purposes for which it is incorporated, at any prior period, pro-
vided that notice of such meeting, and its objects, shall be published in three or more news-papers
in the city of Baltimore, for at least six months previous to the time of such meeting.

XX. AND BE IT ENACTED, That immediately on the expiration of this act, or the dissolution of
this company, effectual measures shall be taken by the president and directors then existing for clos-
ing all the concerns of this society, and for dividing the capital and profits which may remain, among
the stockholders thereof, in proportion to their respective interests.



An ACT for the establishment of a School in Baltimore County, by
the name of Malin School.

WHEREAS William Malin, an alien, heretofore residing in Baltimore county, died possessed
of an equitable interest, in fee-simple, in and to one hundred and sixty and three quarter
acres of land, being part of a tract lying in the county aforesaid, named Flagg Meadows, which said,
land had been purchased by the said Malin from a certain Harry D. Gough, now deceased, on a cre-
dit, he the said Gough retaining the legal title therein until the debt be satisfied, which still remains
due to the estate of the said Gough: And whereas the said Malin did make and execute his last
will and testament, by which the said equitable interest is directed to be sold, and. a portion of the
money arising therefrom to be applied towards building and supporting a school in the neighbourhood
of said land, which said devise is void, the said Malin, for want of a naturalization, being incapable
to purchase and hold land except to and for the use of the state of Maryland; but this general as-
sembly anxious at all times to assist in the promotion of learning, and being willing to release its
right in and to the said land for the purpose of carrying into effect the object of said will; therefore,

II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly, of Maryland, That Jonathan Parish, Robert Davis,
Stephen Parish, Thomas Jordan and Joseph Willis, and their successors in office, duly elected as
herein after set forth, be, and they are hereby declared to be, one community, corporation and body
politic, for ever hereafter, by the name and style of The President and Trustees of the Malin School,
and by that name they shall be and are hereby made capable in law to have and hold by gift, pur-
chase or devise, real, personal or mixed property, in fee-simple, for a term of years, life or other-
wise, and the same to use, grant, demise, alien or dispose of, in such manner as the said trustees
may judge most conducive to the benefit of said institution, subject nevertheless to the following
provisions, terms, conditions and regulations::
1st. All property belonging to, or hereafter to be acquired by, the said corporation, shall be held
in the name of the president and trustees, of Malin school, and no part thereof, except the interest,
rent, or income, shall be disposed of by the said trustees but with the consent and approbation of
the levy court of Baltimore county, who with the concurrence of the said president and trustees,
or a majority of the whole number, may sell and dispose of said property in such manner, and for
such purposes, as may seem most conducive to the good of said institution, the evidence of which
consent on the part of the levy court to be the signature of their clerk to any deed, deeds or trans-
fers, grounded on the previous consent of the court to the said transfer, and an entry on their pro-
ceedings to that effect, but nothing herein contained is intended to interfere with the execution of
any trust which may be annexed to a gift hereafter to be made to the said corporation.
2d. They shall report annually to the levy, court the state of their school during the preceding
year and the manner in which all monies coming into their hands have been expended..
3d. They shall appoint a treasurer, who shall give good and sufficient security for his faithful per-
formance, and they shall also appoint and have the control over the teachers of every description,
and manage the school in such manner as. to them shall seem fit.

III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the levy court shall annually; at their session when the levy is
laid, make a new appointment of trustees to said school, but they may, in their discretion, re-elect
the old trustees, or any one or more of them, and should a. vacancy or vacancies occur at the board
by death, resignation or disqualification, before the expiration of the year, the remaining trustees
may fill up the same for the remaining part of the said year.

IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That not less than three members shall be a quorum, and when so
assembled a majority of voices present shall be sufficient for the transaction of all business except,
the transfer of principal estate as herein before provided.

Passed Decem-
ber 25, 1810.

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Session Laws, 1810
Volume 599, Page 75   View pdf image
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