accordingly, taking into consideration the advantages and disadvantages, if any, and such inquisi-
tion and valuation shall be final and conclusive between the parties respectively; provided, that the
said road shall not be opened through the buildings, yards, gardens, orchards or meadows, of any
person without his, her or their consent.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the said commissioners aforesaid shall be and they are hereby enti-
tled to receive two dollars each for every day they shall respectively attend to the discharge of the
duties required by this act, to be paid by the persons interested in opening and clearing the said
An ACT to make valid a Deed from Arthur Woolford to James
Laird, of Somerset County.
WHEREAS Arthur Woolford, of Somerset county, did, on the sixth day of May, in the year
one thousand eight hundred and seven, execute and acknowledge a deed of bargain and sale,
for the purpose of conveying to James Laird, of the same county, a part of a tract of land called
Woolford, lying and being in the said county, according to certain metes and bounds as expressed
in the said deed, which was in due form of law enrolled in the land records of Somerset county:
And whereas the said deed was by mistake dated the sixth day of May, in the year of our Lord one
thousand seven hundred and seven, and there being doubts as to the validity of the same, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the said deed from Arthur Wool-
ford to James Laird, for part of a tract of land called Woolford, lying and being in Somerset county,
and enrolled in the land records of said county, shall be valid, and have as full force and effect, as
if the same deed had been dated on the sixth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand
eight hundred and seven, any law, usage or custom, to the contrary notwithstanding.
Passed Decem-
ber 23, 1810.
A Further Supplement to an Act, entitled, An Act to confirm and
make public a certain Road therein mentioned.
WHEREAS it has been represented to this general assembly, by the petition of sundry inhabi-
tants of Harford and Baltimore counties, that a law passed at November session, eighteen
hundred and eight, confirming that part of the plot and return of the commissioners appointed by
an act of the general assembly of Maryland, passed at November session, eighteen hundred and six,
from John Wise's, in Harford county, to William Slade's, in Baltimore county; and no provisions
being made in the act to which this is a further supplement to allow damages to individuals over
whose land the said road does pass, therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That William Johnson, Joshua Steven-
son and William Hutchings of Baltimore county, and Jesse Jarrett and Andrew Turner, of Harford
county, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners, and they, or a majority of them, are
authorised and requested to view and ascertain what damages are done to individuals over whose
lands the said road has been laid, between John Wise's, in Harford county, and William Slade's, in
Baltimore county, ami make return of such valuation and damages to the levy courts of Baltimore
and Harford counties, to be by them levied, at their next meeting that shall happen thereafter, on
the assessable property of the respective counties, to be collected and paid, as other county charges
are collected and paid, to those entitled to receive, or their order.
Passed Decem-
ber 23, 1810.
An ACT to alter and change the place of holding the Election in the
third Election District in Caecil County, and for other purposes.
WHEREAS inconveniencies may and are likely to result, from the place of holding the election
in the third election district in Caecil county being on the private property of individuals,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the judges of the third election
district in Caecil county, be and they are hereby authorised and directed to hold, in future, the elec-
tion in said district at such place as may appear to them most convenient.
Passed Decem-
ber 23, 1810.