citizen thereof, nothing in this act, or any law contained, shall prevent him from transmitting or
transferring, by descent or devise, any real property he may have acquired as aforesaid, to any issue:
he may leave residing within the United States, who are hereby declared capable in law to take and
hold the same, or to any other person being a citizen of the United States, and capable in law of
taking and holding the same.
An ACT to open and make public an Alley in the Town of Snow-
Hill, in Worcester County.
BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That George Hayward, Zadock Sturgiss,
Samuel Porter, Benjamin Purnell and Selby Parker, shall be and they are hereby appointed
commissioners to open and make public an alley, sixteen feet wide, in Snow-Hill-town, leading from
Strawbury-alley across lot number ten and the lot called the Old Chesnut Lot, until it intersects
Scarborough-alley; and the said commissioners, or a majority of them, are hereby authorised and
empowered, as soon as it may be conveniently in their power, to open the said alley of the width
aforesaid, and through the lots aforesaid, in that way which will be least injurious to the persons
through whose property the same may be opened; provided always, that the same alley shall not be
opened through any person's yard or garden without his or her consent.
II. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the commissioners aforesaid, or a majority of them, shall ascer-
tain the damages which any individual may sustain by reason of the said alley being laid out and
opened through his or her property, which shall be paid, or secured to be paid, before the said alley
shall be opened.
III. AND BE IT ENACTED, That the damages which may be ascertained as aforesaid to be sus-
tained by reason as aforesaid, shall be paid, or secured to be paid, by the persons conceiving them-
selves interested in opening the said alley, unless the levy court of Worcester county shall be of
opinion that the opening thereof is of that public benefit as to justify levying the same upon the
county, in which case the damages ascertained to be sustained by the individuals through whose lots
the said alley may be opened, shall be levied upon the assessable property of said county, for the
benefit of the owners of the said lots respectively.
IV. AND BE IT ENACTED, That after the said alley is opened the same shall be deemed and taken
as a public alley for ever thereafter.
Passed Decem-
ber 23, 1810.
An ACT for the relief of John S. Moffitt.
WHEREAS John S. Moffitt hath represented to this general assembly, that he obtained a
deed from Thomas Moffitt, attorney for Mary Hall, of Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania,
for a certain tract of land, lying in Caecil county, called Hall's Retreat, containing eighty-seven and
an half acres of land, more or less, but that the said deed was not executed by the said Mary Hull,
but by her attorney, and that the said Mary Hall did not proceed agreeably to the laws of this
state in making said conveyance; and hath prayed that the deed from Thomas Moffitt to him may
be rendered valid; therefore,
II. BE IT ENACTED, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That a deed from Thomas Moffitt to
John S. Moffitt for a tract of land called Hall's Retreat, containing eighty-seven and a half acres
of land, more or less, bearing date on the eighth day of November, eighteen hundred and ten, be,
and the same is hereby declared to be, good and valid to convey to the said John S. Moffitt all the
estate, right, title, interest and claim, of, in and to, the said land, which the said Mary Hall had
at the time of executing the power of attorney above referred to, to all intents and purposes, and
in the same manner as if the said Mary Hall had proceeded, agreeably to the laws of this state, in
conveying said land; provided, that nothing herein contained shall make good and valid this deed,
to convey the lands and premises herein mentioned, unless the purchase money for the same shall
have been paid to the said Mary Hall, or her order, according to contract.
Passed Decem-
ber 23, 1810.
An ACT for the benefit of Alexander M'Kinzie and John M'Kinzie.
WHEREAS Alexander M'Kinzie. and John M'Kinzie, by their petition have set forth, that
this state did, at November session, in the year seventeen hundred and eighty-tour, relin-
Passed Decem-
ber 23, 1810.