inquisition, which they have been summoned to make,
and that they have been fairly taken from among, and
as a portion of. the persons the most intelligent, just,
capable and best qualified to be jurors, and every one
of them without regard to their political or religious
opinions, or personal preferences or antipathies; and
that in taking them I have not been in any manner in-
fluenced by considerations of interest, favor, partiality
or prejudice, personally or otherwise; and that I have
not summoned any individual as aforesaid at the soli-
citation or suggestion, directly or indirectly, either of
such individual or of any other person, or to gratify
any person or persons whatsoever; and the sheriff shall
also subscribe his name to the words of the oath in full
as aforesaid, and the same shall accompany and he a
part of the return to be made of such inquisition.
CHAP. 377.
An act to incorporate the Avalon Silk Company.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of
Maryland, That a joint stock company, for the pur-
pose of raising and cultivating mulberry trees, of man-
ufacturing and vending silk and the prosecution of all
such other operations as may grow out off, or be con-
nected with said business, may be established in
Passed April 4,
Objects defined.
Prince George's county, under the name and style of
the Avalon Silk Company, and that said company are
hereby invested with all the rights, privileges and
powers conferred upon such companies by an act en-
Name and style.
titled, an act prescribing general regulations for the
incorporation of manufacturing and mining companies,
passed the twenty eighth day of March, eighteen hun-
dred and thirty-nine, and that said company are made
subject to the restrictions and regulations prescribed
by said act.
Under the general
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock of
said company, shall not be less than five thousand
dollars, nor more than one hundred thousand dollars,
to be divided into shares of twenty dollars each, and
Capital stock—
to be raised by subscription, for which purpose books
shall be opened under the superintendance of Charles
Books of subscrip-