CHAP. 327.
ors shall be appointed, and qualified, and in case of
vacancy, such vacancy shall be filled by the same man-
agers, or a majority of three, and it any person shall
be chosen a trustee and accepting, shall neglect or re-
Penalty for refus-
ing to serve.
fuse to bond and qualify, such person shall forfeit and
pay the sum often dollars, to be recovered and appro-
priated as directed by the second section of this act.
Managers shall is-
sue warrant to col-
Sec. 15. And be it enacted, That whenever any tax,
as herein directed, shall be assessed and apportioned
upon any school district, the. said managers having
been furnished with a correct statement of such levy,
shall issue their warrant to the collector of county
Who shall collect.
charges, to collect the same by the time limited and
fixed by the, resolves of said meeting, but the said man-
agers shall have the right at all times to make such
abatement or exonerations for indigent persons, as to
them shall appear just and reasonable, and the said
And pay over, &c.
lected, pay the amount over to the treasurer of the
school fund for said county, and shall settle his dupli-
cate account with the said managers, on or before the
time fixed upon therefor, in the warrant of the said
Application thereof
Sec. 16. And be it enacted, That the trustees of each
school district, shall, out of the monies coining into
their hands, either from the public school fund by do-
spective districts, rent, lease, or purchase, a suitable
site for a school house, pay the salaries of teachers
and all other incidental necessary expenses.
General duties of
Sec. 17. And be it enacted, That the trustees of each
school district shall fix the time for the opening of the
school, and how long it shall continue during the year;
admit pupils; visit the school by one or more of their
fuel, books and stationery; make repairs to, and have
the custody and charge of the school house; make a
quarterly report to the said managers; specifying the
number of scholars with the condition and progress of
the school, and generally attend to all the local con-
cerns of their sub-districts, subject to the advice and
control of the said managers.
Shall make annual
statement to man-
Sec. 18. And be it enacted, That the said trustees
shall annually make a statement in detail of all the